Daily News




“Your honor,” the District Attorney intoned, “we will prove that South committed a felony. He lost a cold vulnerable game.”

“Proceed,” the judge instructed, and the Court heard evidence.

“Against four spades,” the DA began, “West, who passed as dealer, cashed the K-A of hearts and led a trump. Declarer drew trumps and next let the jack of clubs ride. East took the king and returned a club, and declarer took dummy’s A-Q, pitching a diamond. He then led a diamond to his jack, and West’s king won the setting trick. Case closed.”

“Baloney,” South’s counsel bellowed. “My client can’t help it if two finesses lost.”

Would you convict South?


South erred. After drawing trumps, he must lead dummy’s deuce of clubs. East must take his king or lose it, and South later discards two diamonds on the A-Q. If West had the king of clubs, South would still make his game since the diamond finesse would win. West would have opened the bidding with an ace and three kings.

Daily Question

You hold: ♠ 64 ♥ A K 743 ♦ K 8 6 ♣ 10 7 3. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one heart and he bids two clubs. What do you say?

Answer: Partner has five or more diamonds; he would not bid this way with 4-4 in the minor suits. You have barely enough strength to invite game. If in your partnershi­p a jump-preference in opener’s minor is invitation­al, bid three diamonds. If that bid would be forcing or if you aren’t sure, bid two diamonds. West dealer

N-S vulnerable

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