Daily News




“It’s not too early to think about making some New Year’s resolution­s,” I said to Cy the Cynic in the club lounge. “Indeed,” Cy replied suavely, “I’ve compiled a list.”

“So what’s on it?”

“My first resolution is to stop procrastin­ating,” the Cynic said. “I’ll tell you the others next week.”

Cy’s tendency to put things off can serve him well as declarer. When Cy played at today’s 3NT in a team match, West led the king of spades. Cy ducked twice, won the third spade and next took the king, queen and ace of diamonds. Nine Tricks

The suit obligingly broke 3-3, so Cy next let the queen of clubs ride. East took the king and led a heart, and Cy ran for home with four diamond tricks, three clubs, a heart and a spade.

At the other table, South failed to procrastin­ate: He won the third spade and immediatel­y finessed in clubs. When East took the king and led a heart, South had to guess whether East had the king or the diamonds would break evenly. South finessed and went down two. Daily Question

You hold: ♠ K Q J 10 5 ♥ K 7 4 ♦ 10 8 3 ♣ 7 5. Both sides vulnerable. The dealer, at your left, opens two hearts (weak). Your partner doubles, and the next player passes. What do you say?

Answer: Your partner has a hand worth at least 16 points with support for the unbid suits, especially the other major. If you held K Q J 10 5, 8 7 4, K 8 3, 7 5, you could bid at least three spades. As it is, your king of hearts is probably badly placed and worthless. Bid two spades. South dealer

N-S vulnerable

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