Daily News




“I heard you have a new sweetie,” I said to Cy the Cynic, who is always in some relationsh­ip.

“Lovely lady,” Cy nodded. “Her name is Claire Lee.”

“What about that woman you were dating,” I asked, “the one named Lorraine?”

“I can see Claire Lee now; Lorraine is gone,” Cy said solemnly.

The Cynic played at today’s three clubs. West’s double was “support,” showing three cards in spades. Cy won the first spade with his ace and did not attack the trumps; he delayed by leading the ace and a low diamond. East took the queen and led another spade, and Cy won in dummy and ruffed a diamond. Distributi­on

“When East discarded,” Cy said, “I saw the distributi­on clearly. East had four spades. He had three hearts: With four, he would have responded one heart, showing his four-card majors ‘up the line.’ He had two diamonds, so four clubs.”

Cy led a trump to dummy’s king and a trump to his nine. He went to the ace of hearts, led a trump to his jack and had nine tricks. Well done, Cy.

Daily Question

You hold: ♠ A 75 ♥ 862 ♦ A7 ♣ AJ

9 8 6. Your partner opens one heart, you respond two clubs and he bids two diamonds. What do you say?

Answer: In a “Standard” system, jump to three hearts. In a style where your two clubs forced to game, bid two hearts, forcing; in theory, “saving space” is beneficial. Resist any temptation to bid notrump. Support partner’s major. When your spades are A-7-5, notrump may play better from his side.

West dealer

Neither side vulnerable

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