Daily News

SA yet again entering a not-so-festive season



Weekend publicatio­ns, do not become another traffic fatality. Every year during the festive period, the blame is on drunken driving. Why don’t the authoritie­s focus on the taxis and trucks? They are mass killers on the road. When an accident occurs – either by a taxi or truck – not one life is taken away, but several. It is claimed that 40% of accidents are caused by pedestrian­s. I call on all traffic authoritie­s to focus on the behaviour of taxis and trucks as this will contribute to saving innocent lives. | RAJ GOVENDER

Hi, Mr Mayor. Please forget about taking a swim and getting the beaches opened. Please sort out the water issues in the Phoenix area. There has been no water supply from Friday and Saturday. I am not too sure what is in store for Sunday. Please forget the visitors and put the ratepayers first. It is us who pay your salaries. | JAY

Dogs attacking people is utterly tragic for the human and the dog. Dogs are one gene away from wolves etc – and prey animals – and will chase anything if it starts to run away. Many humans do not know what to do when confronted by a dog – whether the dog has vicious intentions or not. If you stand your ground and particular­ly do not look at the animal, it might just leave you alone. But people see a dog, even a dog inside a locked and very secure property, and start running and screaming. The other thing people do is maintain eye contact with the dog – which the dog sees as a challenge. Protect your head and neck. Dogs sadly also get teased, get stones thrown at them, and then can become vicious. A young client of mine got bitten on the hand by his pet. I said, “Did you pull its tail?” Yes, the child did pull its tail. Well, do not blame the dog. Humans need training as much as dogs. Do not run, scream or glare at the dog. Do not throw sticks etc. Hard as this advice seems, do try to slowly back away. Never smile or laugh at primates or dogs. I feel desperatel­y sorry for all the surrendere­d pets. They are suddenly yanked away from their homes and are now terrified.

This reminds me of the pet panic at Covid-19 – whereby pups were surrendere­d because they might infect granny. | LINDA KORTE


Ramaphosa must not resign and play right into the hands of his political opponents. Has he stolen from the poor? Phala Phala was never a secret and managed by others and not him. His main accuser is a very shady operator who will hopefully soon be in front of a court himself. No doubt Ramaphosa is not squeaky clean, neither is he a brilliant leader, but compared to the alternativ­es, he is still the best of the bunch. SA must rid itself of the ANC, not just of Ramaphosa. | JURGAN

If he sold buffaloes to a foreign national, there must be records at the Limpopo Nature Conservati­on Department of Export permits. There must also be records of import permits at the country receiving such imaginary buffaloes. Ramaphosa is a greedy and heartless billionair­e. | MISHAEL NDLOVU

The President has not done anything sinister. These implicated politician­s in the Zondo Commission are asking for him to step aside. As the citizens of this country, we must stand up for the president against these politician­s that have destroyed our once beautiful economy and country. | ASHWIN HARICHUND

When will we have young, dynamic leaders in government instead of old men and women in Parliament? We need younger men and women with energy to sort out the mess that is everywhere in SA. | MARCEL

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