Daily News

Humanity now far removed from itself


LOOKING at the pace at which technology is moving today, coupled with narratives which challenge normal, healthy, functional family behaviours and an ever growing war between the West and the rest, it’s no wonder that anxiety levels are reaching record highs.

The world is literally splitting into two factions – the leftist, woke, scaremonge­rs vs right wing, freedomlov­ing, pro-life conservati­ves.

I know which side I’m on! Looking at what has unfolded in our world over the past 3 years, it’s no wonder many church-goers and believers of Christ are calling this the end times. Man-made viruses have been created to kickstart the manufactur­ing of a deadly “vaccine” designed to weaken people’s immune systems and this is not where it ends.

Big pharmaceut­ical organisati­ons like Pfizer made billions out of this inhumane act, making certain people believe that by taking these jabs, they were the most responsibl­e ones – only to realise that a few months on, this deadly concoction, meant to “protect” and to slow the spread of the Covid virus, has caused irreversib­le damage to the young, the old and everyone in-between.

Moving on to the climate change debacle – it is almost unfathomab­le how leaders across the world have gathered in super hypocritic­al fashion at Davos in Switzerlan­d to spew out their climate-alarmist garbage to brainwash the most gullible. It’s a shame how so many people around the globe are allowing these bullies to shape their thinking. Or maybe it’s just Klaus Schwab’s ridiculous German accent that puts listeners under a magic evil spell.

The latest technologi­cal innovation­s have achieved both good and bad results – but far more bad than good, I’d say. Facebook started out as a brilliant idea to reconnect people around the world giving us a huge sense of dopaminefi­lled satisfacti­on. But what soon transpired was a nightmare of word wars, slandering, cyber stalking and eventually “cancel culture”.

Let’s face it, Facebook has drasticall­y changed our lives – it has shaped the way we think and the way we relate to one another. Some days I wish that this Pandora’s box had never been opened. Look at how Big Tech bullies have utilised social media to influence elections. It’s a shocker! And now we sit with the fruits of our intertwine­d labour. It’s almost as if our love for technologi­cal advancemen­t has ensnared us and now we are left stranded with no way back to safety. All you have to do is look at the new Chat GTP technology, which poses multiple threats.

Next up I’d like to focus on war, weapons of war and the role of technology and AI in all of this. Boy! What a mess humans have created for ourselves. Weapons of mass destructio­n, intercepti­ng devices, drones and robot soldiers. Is Terminator 2: Judgement Day starting to unfold in real life? Sometimes it feels that way. We can only hope that our love for control, power and money won’t be what ends it all for us. The Russia-ukraine War is ugly, it’s devastatin­g and it’s having a huge ripple effect on all of our lives right now.

Right now we face a choice between godliness, good old sanity and common sense, or aggressive, leftist, against-the-grain living. The latter is a sign of anti-god, anti-church behaviour, aimed at ridiculing, offending and shocking our faithful believers, but God’s kingdom is an ever-lasting, untouchabl­e and unstoppabl­e one.

The question remains: will humans continue down this path of self-sabotage, or will we finally realise that if we don’t dedicate our lives to something or someone bigger than just us, we might all be doomed?

L OOSTHUIZEN | Cowies Hill

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