Daily News

Interventi­on won’t bear fruit in fixing broken city


I don’t see this interventi­on bearing any fruit because it’s just a stunt by the ANC to try to save face. A lot of things have been dismantled systematic­ally within the council, under the service delivery banner as well as the township economy. Both are just terms to make it look as if there are efforts being made towards improving people’s lives. Tourist attraction­s like the beachfront today are dead, all because of the unscrupulo­us politician­s meddling in procuremen­t matters, not understand­ing what their roles are, nor when to stop. The city is filthy, with vendors everywhere you turn. By-laws are not being adhered to, the city’s crime-fighting strategy is a joke. The metro police also have laws that are broken under their watch.

Why are we allowing Mkhwebane to milk the system with the help of her legal eagles? Somebody, please put a stop to this nonsense. I JOE SOAP.


Congratula­tions on finding and suspending the entrants who were found to be cheating on their entry informatio­n. I am 100% behind this decision and agree that we need to keep our sports and special events clean and untainted. Well done CMA. I ARTHUR FLASCAS.

Girl, 10, suicidal after alleged multiple rapes by grandmothe­r’s lover. My question is why would the rapist want to check on the medical report when he was caught red-handed on top of the child? What can he prove? A rapist doesn’t deserve the kind of treatment he is receiving now. That is the problem with our country, the rapist goes free and the victim has to suffer. This is madness, no wonder men are raping, because they can get away with this so easily. Bring back the death penalty. Our women and children need to feel safe in this country. This child is suffering and paying a horrible price for being an innocent child while the pervert walks around free trying to check the medical report. I JESSICA.

That horrific train accident in India again illustrate­s the fallacy of useless discrimina­tion between people on account of race, religion, colour, caste and wealth. We are all equal victims of this train journey termed “life”!


“Lock them up! – Modi for driving a possible wedge between Hindus and Muslims.” May I humbly ask Backchatte­r EB Koybie, where did he derive this informatio­n from? May I humbly advise him of the following: Modi repatriate­d Indian students, free of charge from Russia when the war broke out with Ukraine. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Modi donated millions of vaccines to Pakistan, Afghanista­n, Bangladesh, etc. Modi has donated in excess of a million tons of food to Afghanista­n. Koybie should rather raise his concerns on Muslims killing each other gruesomely with bombs etc in their very own countries because of their opposing views of their Holy book. Please Koybie, get your facts in order before attempting to defame the greatest leader India has ever produced.

The municipali­ty is strict about excavation­s and holes not being filled. It is funny that they speak of this when they are the ones guilty of such a practice. Takes months for their own internal reinstatem­ents to be done. I personally had an experience where the electricit­y department and their contractor­s dug up the road and our paving to instal cable. They left sinkholes and unrepaired paving for months. My repeated calls and complaints were eventually answered with somewhat substandar­d workmanshi­p. I have since repaired the paving myself at my own cost. I say practise what you preach.

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