Daily News

Let truth on SAA be uncovered

- Ekurhuleni

DEPARTMENT of Public Enterprise­s (DPE) spokespers­on Ellis Mnyandu should observe borders and the protocol of addressing the elected officials in public.

Mnyandu is either a hired gun who knows no boundaries, or a whipper-snapper in a relentless campaign to vilify Public Enterprise­s portfolio committee chairperso­n Khaya Magaxa.

Mnyandu has the temerity to unleash a diatribe that “Magaxa has turned a legitimate oversight exercise into a kangaroo court at which the DPE and its staff have been slandered, denigrated and pilloried for the sake of politickin­g”.

That’s an insult to the intelligen­ce of committee members.

A word of advice to Mnyandu: any time you defend mediocrity of others without discretion you stoop to their mediocrity.

Public Enterprise­s Minister Pravin Gordhan has not hitherto been frank about how SAA’S preferred strategic equity partner was selected, apart from hiding behind the executive as if it has absolute powers to establish a confidenti­al precedent.

Yet plans to sell equity in

SAA date back to 2007, when the possibilit­y of a partnershi­p was explored to wean the airline from the continual bailouts.

What really irked many was an arbitrary revocation of a transactio­nal adviser of the 51% acquisitio­n of SAA which reeks of impropriet­y and a no-show record of


Methinks at the core of this is corruption that Gordhan was keen to conceal.

Gordhan acted as a middleman in favour of a wannabe equity partner without a due diligence worth the deal. Hence SAA finds itself having taken two steps forward and one step backwards.

It is common cause that every acquisitio­n has its own risk. It thus follows that risks increase even more if the transactio­n is guesstimat­ed.

Surely, that business rescue blunder hamstrung SAA to be in a similar position to fly on its own. Let truth be uncovered.


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