Daily News

We want economic freedom in our lifetime


Without community support and participat­ion, not much can be done. There are many organisati­ons in Merebank working in their own silos. We need to break these barriers to have one organisati­on to deal with civic matters in the community. | PAUL NAIDOO

They (USA) still refuse to condemn Israel, citing the fact that Israel has the right to defend itself when Israel has actually killed thousands of innocent civilians, including women and children. They ignore the fact that Iran gave them 72 hours notice to prepare themselves. | DR THABO LEHLOKOE

Iran knows how the US and the collective West operate. They gang against their opponents and use asymmetric­al force - especially against weak countries. Iran wanted to expose their diplomatic and military weaknesses and succeeded. That has changed the geopolitic­al landscape in West Asia and the UN. | DENNIS MADISAKWAN­E

They assume that the MK Party is only eating from the ANC base. They (EFF) are in trouble as well. Also Inkatha. | STONE LIPHOKO

At the last count in 2021, the ANC polled just above 45%. | MZWANELE MANYI

I do not like this thing of predicting the outcome of an event but my view is any party could be an official opposition in this election. Yes, the ANC is going to be number one, but the question is at what percentage? | ZWILE ZULU

The ANC never had 0% before 1994. This cannot be used as a reference point as there was never a ballot with them. | TEBOGO

There is no party in Gauteng we can lead with except EFF. We were together at the ANCYL 2009 to 2012. The majority of Gauteng PEC are in the same age group. It is better to work with the devil you know than a stranger. | SEKGOTHE

The whole system revolves around the idea that the majority can be made to believe anything, so long as it is repeated loudly and often. And it works. | EDWARD SNOWDEN

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