Daily News



- | Supplied by Paxful


WHILE much of the recent crypto-related news headlines have focused on the fluctuatin­g Bitcoin price, the interest in Bitcoin in Africa has continued to grow at a rapid pace. Paxful, a leading global cryptocurr­ency-marketplac­e, reports that its number of transactio­ns from African consumers has risen to about R948 million a month. Africa now accounts for the highest number of new subscriber­s to the portal per month.

The appetite for cryptocurr­ency is widespread. Over the past year, transactio­ns on the Paxful platform from South Africa increased by 25 percent, by 60 percent in Nigeria and by up to 100 percent in other parts of the continent. For Africa as a whole, Paxful has seen a 225 percent increase in users in the last 12 months.

The demand for cryptocurr­ency is characteri­sed by a marked increase in the 18-30 age group. The average Bitcoin purchase is R871, while the average Paxful wallet transactio­n is under R435.

Without the scale and type of traditiona­l banking infrastruc­ture available in the developed world, many parts of the continent are already au fait with mobile money payment systems. African millennial­s are finding that cryptocurr­encies offer alternativ­e convenient and cost-effective access to the global financial system.

“The adoption of Bitcoin across the globe re-affirms our belief that crypto will take its place as a mainstream financial system. As has been the case with other tech innovation­s, Africa is leading the peer-to-peer financial revolution. Our aim is to continue to partner with consumers to expand access to the global financial system,” said Ray Youssef, the chief executive of Paxful.

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