Daily News




1 Extremely neat and tidy (5-3-4)

10 Japanese emperor (7) 11 Turns in (7)

12 Device for magnifying sound (9)

13 Colonic irrigation (5) 14 Speech praising the dead (6)

16 Crestfalle­n (8)

19 Jewish festival of lights (8)

21 Having a low pH (6) 24 In one piece (5) 25 Classified at the highest level of security (3,6) 27 Cure-all (7)

28 Adult male chicken (7) 29 Facsimile, copy of the original (12)


2 Preen, groom (5)

3 Upper limit (7) 4 Handsome young man (6) 5 Photograph­er’s work area (8)

6 Decorative design (7) 7 Nanny (9)

8 Childhood home of Jesus (8)

9 Largest continent (4) 15 Squire, laird (9)

17 Saying little, reticent (8) 18 Capital of Chile (8) 20 Patella (7)

22 Kind of cigar (7) 23 Outline, synopsis (6) 24 Cried (4)

26 Measure of proportion (5)

 ??  ??

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