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SIR – By now I thought we would be closer to our total emancipati­on as Africans and members of the working class, but we are betrayed and sold off to the highest bidding imperialis­ts.

Now that South Africa is a member of BRICS, we are supposedly developing instead of being trapped in the apartheid policies of the ANC and its neoliberal agenda. Today we are more politicall­y op- pressed and economical­ly exploited than in the days of apartheid.

The ANC recalled Thabo Mbeki as the president because they said he was anti-poor and working class, but continues with the class project of 1996. This was done through the GEAR macroecono­mic policy of the ANC.

Even today under the Jacob Zuma administra­tion the ANC is still implementi­ng the neoliberal agenda that makes us poor people poorer, while the minority rich are getting richer.

The airbase that was used by the Guptas is no longer a National Key Point because it was used by the Guptas. There are administra­tors that are under fire for allowing the Guptas to use our defence airbase for their private matters yet we cannot know how more than R230m was used on the private property of Zuma.

When one wants to get the complete informatio­n, one is told that the private house of Jacob Zuma is a National Key Point. The National Key Point Act is an act of apartheid, but used by the so-called “democratic government”. The Secrecy Bill is another bill that brings apartheid back to South Africa to protect the interests of white monopoly capital and the few emerging tenderpren­eurs.

Jacob Zuma said that the ANC will rule until Jesus comes back. Now I can see that the corrupt ANC’s ruling days are numbered because almost all Africans can see that the ANC is only interested in individual so-called cadre enrichment and not in ending the poverty of all South Africans.


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