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A delightful little custom

- Lance fredericks

WITH just a smidgen over 1 000 000 seconds left till Christmas, thoughts will be turning to peace on earth and good will to all men, and Christmas shopping, and how to keep the children occupied and entertaine­d during the holidays.

Of course there are some out there who are more traditiona­l, who will be thinking of the good old days, when Christmas was observed and celebrated properly.

For example, just the other day someone told me that she’d heard about a quaint little custom that used to be practised at the turn of the last century – yes, from the 1800s to the 1900s – where traditiona­lly at Christmas women would get on their knees and beg forgivenes­s from their husbands for all the mistakes they had made during the past year.

I have been unable to verify this urban legend 100 percent, but according to what I could find out, as the custom went, the men would instantly forgive their wives, and everyone would happily move on with the freshness of Christmas and New Year!

How sweet. I am glad that at the turn of the last century, when everyone was still sane, they knew that it was only the women who made mistakes and who needed to apologise. After all, they are good at apologisin­g … obviously because they are always wrong.

My heart goes out to the men who have had such a tough 2018 thus far … the bad news is that there are still a few weeks left where wives or girlfriend­s are going to parade their ignorance and mess up mens’ individual utopias.

One can just imagine how the men in the 1800-1900s would be hanging on with their fingernail­s at this time of year knowing that there were still around 1 000 000 seconds before their wives begged for forgivenes­s and all would finally be well again.

Fortunatel­y some womancontr­olling measures have survived, and these days men – the “real” men – get to manipulate, and dictate to, their wives. Boyfriends who are worth their salt and who have been brought up “right” also know how to keep that girl in check.

They know that if you don’t dominate them early in a relationsh­ip, the girl may one day believe that her opinion matters.

I am encouraged these days that this country still needs those 16 days dedicated to activism against genderbase­d violence, between November 25 and December 10; simply because it shows that there are still “real” men out there who are diligently putting their women in their place.

The good news for the “real” men is that those days of activism ended yesterday, and you can go back to your tried and trusted methods of control, where you conscienti­ously work to impose your mindset into the heart and mind of another human being; it’s a thankless task, I know. But someone has to do it.

No one understand­s how much effort and dedication it takes to fix a wayward woman.

Not many people will understand the man who beats his wife because he loves her. I mean, how could she behave so badly and not “obey” him, like the Bible says, and force him – obviously against his will – to grab her and smack some sense into her.

And to those who say that it is only those with a weak character who will try to prove they are physically stronger, we can remind them how painful it is for a man to hit the woman he “loves” – but it has to be done … obviously. She “made” you hurt her, so she’s the one who doesn’t care about your feelings, right?

Women will just never understand how difficult it is for man not be waited on hand and foot.

The good thing about an abusive husband is that he is teaching by example how his son should one day treat another man’s daughter. At the same time he is preparing his daughter for what she can expect when she gets married one day.

He is assuring his princess that, when her husband discipline­s her and knocks some sense into her, Daddy will not come to her aid, because he embraced the same methods of maintainin­g love.

He will simply tell his little girl, “just cover up the bruises and kneel down and submit to your husband, and everything will be alright.”

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