Diamond Fields Advertiser

No joy for locals on Black Friday


ON THE eve of Black Friday several residents in Kimberley indicated that they will have to give the much anticipate­d day a miss this year due to a change in their financial circumstan­ces.

Many indicated that they, or a loved one, lost their jobs or had to take a salary cut due to Covid-19.

A Galeshewe woman said she now has to look on as others prepare for the festive season.

“I was employed at a local daycare centre. However, due to the pandemic and lockdown, many parents were forced to keep their children at home. We were left without work and an income as parents could not pay for daycare. For several months there has been no income and the owner of the daycare has been unable to pay us.

“We received word from the owner that she had to, unfortunat­ely, close the daycare. We were four ladies employed at the daycare and we are now all without work. It has been a tough year.

“There will be no Black Friday, Christmas clothes or any other feasts. We will just have to go through the day like any other day,” she sighed.

Another resident said due to her husband being retrenched, her festive season is also looking dull.

“I am a housewife and my husband was working at the mine. He was the one who was looking after us. However, since he has lost his job, things have been tough. We managed through the past few months with the help from relatives and friends who donated or bought us food. We have not been able to afford some necessitie­s and had to tighten our belts.

“Our main priority and focus is on finding my husband and myself some work. Celebratin­g Christmas or going shopping on Black Friday is not an option or even a feature on our list of priorities this year. There are more important things we need to focus on. Hopefully next year will be better,” she said.

Other residents said that the price cuts on some of the products on offer were nothing to look forward to.

Some were concerned about Covid-19 protocols at local stores.

“There are restrictio­ns on the number of people allowed inside a store. We already have to queue and wait outside stores before we can enter because of the restricted number of shoppers allowed inside. We also have to maintain our social distances at all times.

“These restrictio­ns are not going to be ignored on Black Friday. Some of us would have to wait outside stores while others are conducting their shopping. It is not worthwhile for all of us to rush to malls and stores early in the morning like we used to do in the past,” they said.

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