
FERRARI ROMA / Automotive art


It’s said to be the largest physical console in recent memory. With it, though, comes a host of features and now, nearly seven years after the internatio­nal launch of the PS4, we are eagerly awaiting the release of Sony’s latest and greatest advancemen­t in virtual experience­s, which is due to drop on 19th November. It will launch with 8K capability (we’re still getting our heads around 4K) and support a resolution of up to 4,320 pixels. Furthermor­e, it will have HDR (High-Dynamic Range) that captures a wide spectrum of colours as well as an expected 120 frames per second playback ability. This should be perfect for running next-gen racing simulation games like

on a performanc­e plane where the visuals will be near-indistingu­ishable from reality.

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