DRUM - Air Fryer



The best way to protect the inside of your air fryer is to cook your food on aluminium foil or baking paper, which you grease with nonstick spray. You can even put an old slice of bread in the bottom of the air fryer when cooking greasy food such as bacon. It will absorb the grease and is more environmen­tally friendly than foil.

Spray a little oil on the food halfway through the cooking process to ensure it’s extra crispy. But be sure to remove the food and spray it outside the air fryer. If you spray it inside, the oiliness will delay the cooking process.

Any pan or dish that can be used in an oven can safely be used in an air fryer.

Don’t apply nonstick spray directly from the can to the bottom of the fryer – it can cause damage over time. Rather fill a plastic spray bottle with oil and use lightly when necessary.

Don’t fill the air fryer too much – if you want the food to be crispy the air needs to circulate properly.

Be aware of food that weighs too little (such as a cheese slice) as it can be blown about in the fryer. Rather secure it with a toothpick.

Shake the basket halfway through the cooking time or mix the food around a little. This ensures it cooks evenly and is crispy.

It’s safe to put the air fryer on your kitchen counter, but don’t put it near anything flammable or anything that can melt. The heat might cause damage. Some chefs recommend putting your air fryer beneath your stove’s extractor hood so that hot air can be sucked away.

On hot days it’s better to use the air fryer instead of your oven because the fryer is small and won’t heat up your whole kitchen.

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