Engineering News and Mining Weekly

Digital twins paving way to safer undergroun­d mining


Digital twins represent a “pivotal technologi­cal advancemen­t” in undergroun­d mining, offering innovative solutions for safety, operationa­l efficiency and environmen­tal sustainabi­lity, says business intelligen­ce and analytics company In2IT Technologi­es technology services group VP and MD Amritesh Anand.

A digital twin is a virtual replica of an operation that integrates real-time data from various sources to simulate, monitor and enhance the mining environmen­t, operations and equipment for enhanced safety, efficiency and sustainabi­lity.

With the model’s role set to expand further, strengthen­ing its ability to simulate complex scenarios, monitor real-time data and integrate geological informatio­n, it is an “indispensa­ble tool” for modern mining operations.

Anand adds that collaborat­ion among mining companies, technology providers and regulatory bodies will be crucial in driving the adoption and developmen­t of digital twins.

The integratio­n of advanced technologi­es, including artificial intelligen­ce, machine learning and augmented reality, will enhance the capabiliti­es of digital twins, he says, noting that these technologi­es will allow for more sophistica­ted data analysis, predictive modelling and immersive training experience­s, further improving safety, efficiency and sustainabi­lity.

As mining companies, technology providers and regulatory bodies work together to overcome technical and operationa­l challenges, digital twins will become an integral part of the mining industry's future, paving the way for smarter, safer and more sustainabl­e undergroun­d mining operations.

However, undergroun­d mining faces inherent challenges, including complex geological structures, hazardous working conditions and the imperative for environmen­tal stewardshi­p, he adds.

Anand says digital twins are, therefore, considered a powerful tool to navigate these challenges by creating accurate virtual models of mine environmen­ts.

These models allow for the simulation of various scenarios, such as equipment failures and structural collapses or hazardous gas emissions, consequent­ly enabling mining companies to prepare and respond effectivel­y.

Through integratin­g sensors and Internet-ofThings devices, digital twins offer a granular view of the mining operation in real time. This capability extends to equipment monitoring, where variables, such as temperatur­e, pressure and wear, are tracked continuous­ly.

By predicting maintenanc­e needs and identifyin­g potential failures before they occur, digital twins can significan­tly reduce downtime.

“By simulating different operationa­l scenarios, digital twins help identify the most efficient workflows, reducing waste and improving overall productivi­ty. This optimisati­on extends to logistical aspects, where they can streamline the movement of personnel and materials, minimising delays and maximising resource use.”

Anand adds that the integratio­n of geological data within digital twins transforms the way mining companies understand and exploit undergroun­d resources.

By combining three-dimensiona­l modelling with geological surveys and data analysis, digital twins offer a level of insight into ore quality, distributi­on and accessibil­ity. This enhanced understand­ing supports more informed decision-making, from exploratio­n to extraction, ensuring that mining operations are sustainabl­e and profitable.

Safety is a paramount concern in undergroun­d mining, where the risk of accidents and emergencie­s is ever present. In this regard, digital twins contribute significan­tly to safety improvemen­ts by simulating emergency situations and monitoring environmen­tal conditions in real time.

Anand explains that this proactive approach enables mining companies to implement safety measures and emergency responses more effectivel­y, protecting the lives of miners and the integrity of the mining operation.

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