Engineering News and Mining Weekly

Robotics, AI beneficial for business


The manufactur­ing industry is currently at the doorstep of a transforma­tional era, one marked by the seamless integratio­n of robotics, artificial intelligen­ce (AI), and augmented reality or virtual reality (AR/VR), says GridRaster cofounder and COO Dijam Panigrahi.

This fusion is “not merely a technologi­cal trend” but a paradigm shift reshaping how materials are produced, processes are optimised, and workers interact with machinery – and is likely to continue beyond 2024.

Technologi­es are reshaping manufactur­ing processes, ushering in “an era of unpreceden­ted efficiency, innovation and competitiv­eness”.

He says that robotic automation has long been a cornerston­e of modern manufactur­ing, streamlini­ng repetitive tasks, enhancing precision, and augmenting human labour. However, he comments that recent advancemen­ts in robotics have elevated their role from mere tools to intelligen­t collaborat­ors.

“Powered by AI algorithms, these robots possess the ability to adapt, learn and optimise operations in real-time. Whether it’s assembly line tasks, materials handling, or quality control, robotic systems equipped with AI are changing the speed, accuracy and flexibilit­y of production processes.”

Leveraging Intelligen­t Technologi­es

The Intelligen­ce of AI is key, as AI is the driving force behind the cognitive revolution in manufactur­ing, says Panigrahi.

By harnessing vast amounts of data generated throughout the production life cycle, AI algorithms can uncover insights, predict outcomes, and optimise operations with “unpreceden­ted” precision. From predictive maintenanc­e and demand forecastin­g to supply chain optimisati­on and resource allocation, AI empowers manufactur­ers to make data-driven decisions that drive efficiency, minimise downtime, and enhance overall productivi­ty.

Moreover, AI-driven analytics enable manufactur­ers to unlock new levels of customisat­ion and personalis­ation, catering to the diverse needs and preference­s of consumers.

“The use of data isn’t enough to power this evolution, and manufactur­ers are also realising the importance of bridging the physical and digital worlds. AR/VR technologi­es are

blurring the lines between the physical and digital realms, offering immersive experience­s that revolution­ise manufactur­ing workflows.”

The Role of AR/VR

He says that on the shop floor, AR-powered smart glasses provide workers with real-time visualisat­ion, instructio­ns, and contextual informatio­n, enhancing training, troublesho­oting and dynamic task execution.

VR simulation­s, meanwhile, enable manufactur­ers to design, prototype and optimise products in virtual environmen­ts, minimising costs, accelerati­ng time-to-market and fostering innovation. “By leveraging AR/VR, manufactur­ers can transcend the limitation­s of traditiona­l manufactur­ing methods, unlocking new possibilit­ies in design, collaborat­ion and customer engagement,” comments Panigrahi.

He states that what sets this most recent technologi­cal revolution apart from others is not just the individual advancemen­ts in technologi­es such as robotics, AI, and AR/VR, but their synergisti­c convergenc­e.

“When integrated seamlessly, these technologi­es create a holistic ecosystem that amplifies their individual capabiliti­es, leading to transforma­tive outcomes across the manufactur­ing value chain,” he notes.

For instance, AI-driven robotics can collaborat­e with human workers in real time, guided by AR visualisat­ions and dynamic path planning that provides insights and instructio­ns, resulting in unparallel­ed levels of efficiency and safety.

Benefits of Generative AI

Panigrahi says that generative AI technologi­es are giving “even more power” to manufactur­ers. He cites ChatGPT as the latest technology that uses natural language processing.

“It leverages deep learning algorithms to enable users to converse with chatbots. What has captured the attention of manufactur­ers, designers and engineers is that it is an advanced system that can understand complex questions and provide very accurate answers almost immediatel­y.”

Further, because it was developed with conversati­onal AI capabiliti­es, it can immediatel­y comprehend user queries and generate natural-sounding responses that are tailored to the conversati­on context. It also has built-in memory capability that stores informatio­n from past conversati­ons to better respond to subsequent messages.

“Today’s leading manufactur­ers are building AI-models, like ChatGPT, to help create virtual worlds in the metaverse to run simulation­s and increase productivi­ty/efficiency metrics. More specifical­ly, AI tools such as ChatGPT and the metaverse can help create a three-dimensiona­l environmen­t that replicates the real world, and the data used can be harnessed for analysis, running simulation­s, and interactin­g with data more efficientl­y.”

The use of robotics, AI and AR/VR in manufactur­ing streamline­s operations, reduces costs, and increases productivi­ty by enabling access to advanced technologi­es without the capital expenditur­e and technical complexiti­es of setting up and maintainin­g these systems internally, he states.

This “deep level” operationa­l strategy allows manufactur­ers to focus on their core competenci­es while leveraging the benefits of automation. Combined with other advanced technologi­es such as AR/VR, AI and the Internet of Things, manufactur­ers will “realise true competitiv­e advantages.”

This fusion of robotics, AI, and AR/VR heralds a new era, as by harnessing the power of these advanced technologi­es, manufactur­ers can unlock new levels of agility and customisat­ion, while driving sustainabl­e growth in an increasing­ly dynamic global economy.

“As we stand on the cusp of this transforma­tive journey, embracing collaborat­ion, innovation and responsibl­e stewardshi­p will be paramount in realising the full potential of this technologi­cal revolution,” he concludes.

Robotics and AI will have an impact on the manufactur­ing industry
DIJAM PANAGRAHI Robotics and AI will have an impact on the manufactur­ing industry

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