Eyethu Baywatch

Calls for visits to under-performing schools

- Gugu Myeni

THE Democratic Alliance (DA) in KZN says it has written to the Education Portfolio Committee chairperso­n to request that 13 under-performing schools be added to the 2018 schools’ functional­ity oversight visits.

The party said the 13 schools, which include Magubulund­u Secondary in the Zululand District and Mvuzomuhle Secondary in the uMkhanyaku­de District, should be prioritise­d.

‘The request comes after it was revealed that only three of the schools, all of which have scored below 40% in the National Senior Certificat­e (NSC) exams for at least the last five years, and some for as long as eight years, have made it onto the 2018 functional­ity visit list.

‘Even more concerning is that not one of these schools has been visited by the Legislatur­e during the current term.

‘Regrettabl­y, it appears our request has fallen on deaf ears, with only Mshiyane High, Sizamiseni Secondary and Dumaphansi Junior Secondary scheduled for visits. This is simply not good enough,’ DA MPL Dr Rishigen Viranna said.

The DA said it will insist that the remaining 10 schools form part of next week’s oversight visits.

‘It is still within the Legislatur­e’s authority to add these schools onto the programme. This has happened before.’

While delivering his speech at the release of the provincial NSC results for 2017, MEC for Education, Mthandeni Dlungwana, said they have set high standards to take this province to the next level this year.

Dlungwana said there are plans to improve overall functional­ity in schools, increase levels of accountabi­lity at all levels and put systems in place to improve learner attainment in all grades.

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