

- by Angela Barry

Leo 23 Jul – 22 Aug

Roadblocks and rock falls. You’d be forgiven for giving up – momentaril­y – at this fiery juncture in an otherwise charmed year. Please don’t. A few hiccups may unsettle you, but keep poised, and above all, keep moving. You have stuff to do and people to impress. An important goal deserves ninja-strength attention now, so view distractio­ns as just that – distractio­ns – and short-lived ones at that.

Sagittariu­s 22 Nov – 21 Dec

A splash of compassion could help you develop a more positive outlook during this auspicious phase. The double mojo of mental strength and a caring nature should seal the deal on most fronts, but particular­ly at work, where your willingnes­s to lend a hand is applauded and admired. Generally, a community-oriented approach works wonders in any situation now, so go to it.

Aries 21 Mar – 19 Apr

Despite some pesky selfdoubt, you’ll forge ahead this month – either willingly, or kicking and screaming. Change is in the air, so expect a shake-up at work or a welcome shift in relationsh­ip energy. Action is infinitely superior to non-action now, so make decisions, nurture your inner courage bunny, and to hell with negatives in your luscious life – get pruning.

Virgo 23 Aug – 22 Sept

Taking care of basics is a must as you cruise towards a closing chapter in either business or pleasure. This period of sunsets, farewells and shaking off of past regrets is a vital hiatus, much as you’d rather barrel ahead. Plans always spend at least a little time on the backburner. They’re going to happen, but meanwhile, tackle paperwork, clogged gutters and other boring bits.

Capricorn 22 Dec – 19 Jan

The heat is on, and so is your thinking cap. The midpoint of a year often throws you into a bit of a spin, given your fondness for finishing up and getting on with something new and stimulatin­g. Do hang on a little longer, won’t you? Fix any rough patches, particular­ly in love and budgets, as a clean slate makes the next stage that much smoother to navigate. Rome wasn’t built… you know… and so on.

Taurus 20 Apr – 20 May

Are you living someone else’s narrative? This, and other deeply philosophi­cal questions may pepper your inner landscape for several weeks. Don’t ignore them – you’ve the potential now to weed out outdated routines and habits. You may discover your career or friendship­s aren’t reflecting what you truly want. Do some digging and be patient. The answers will come.

Libra 23 Sept – 22 Oct

You’re the ultimate Nice Person – a genuine gal with an authentic mission to improve what’s imperfect. Be reminded of that if you feel pressure from all sides to do things differentl­y, behave at odds with what feels comfortabl­e or make a decision that doesn’t quite fit your life compass. The temptation to please is real, but if you’re not being true to yourself, don’t bother. You can say no nicely.

Aquarius 20 Jan – 18 Feb

Your endearing kookiness takes a turn for the better – or worse, depending on how much you enjoy following your gut instinct. The higher senses are finely tuned, giving you a bird’s-eye view of situations and an almost uncanny insight into what’s making people tick. Use the added perspectiv­e to your advantage by basing decisions on ‘heart-sense’ rather than pure logic. Interestin­g times…

Gemini 21 May – 20 Jun

It’s like there are two of you, isn’t it? The effervesce­nt society lass, and the mildly melancholi­c miss. Now, more than usual, you’ll be pulled between these intriguing halves: worrying about missing out on the Next Big Thing, but feeling the urge to hibernate. Do both. This energy swing is a pause between steps. And winter is the ultimate excuse to take cover between parties.

Scorpio 23 Oct – 21 Nov

Luck, that insanely vague something-or-other that lands contracts and half-price skinny jeans in your lap, is in rich supply. Not that you’ve got nothing to do, mind; there are myriad loose ends flapping at your ankles and a stubborn idle streak to discipline, so beat the lethargy with some cardio (a 30-minute walk will do) and less screen time. You’ll feel the difference instantly.

Pisces 19 Feb – 20 Mar

An important month. Actually, scratch that – the whole year is a Disney-fest of magic and inexplicab­le wonder, given the support you’re receiving from the universe as you strive to be better, go further and live more authentica­lly. Right now, the best way to keep it going is to trust that you’re big enough to make smart decisions. Secretly, you don’t believe that. Stop the negative self-talk.

Cancer 21 Jun – 22 Jul

It’s okay to feel skittish about new horizons. The good news, though, is that you have an arsenal of skills and a wealth of experience – what’s not to love? This month, being afraid to try something new is no excuse; everything’s aligned prettily to give you a boost, and if you stumble, so what? A sincere, solid approach to each challenge, no matter how insignific­ant, reaps rewards.

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