

- by Angela Barry

Your horoscope

Libra 23 Sept – 22 Oct

Generally, things are great. There are niggles, because you’re forgetting to love what you have, rather than covet what you don’t. You don’t like ups and downs, as they unbalance rather than excite. But take a moment to value the moments you’ve had thus far – the places you’ve been, the people you love and the poetry of your life are yours for rememberin­g. They’ll remind you that everything’s okay.

Aquarius 20 Jan – 18 Feb

The news may seem less than earth-shattering, but that’s only because it’s happening bit by bit, not explosivel­y. You have a mega-adventure unfolding between now and year-end. Expect to be awed by your ability to seek out opportunit­ies – including longedfor travel – and be resolute about succeeding. If there really were an Iron Throne, you’d probably be inching your way towards it.

Gemini 21 May – 20 Jun

You’ve done the nose-to-the-grindstone more often than not in 2017. Little wonder that frissons of pleasure abound – you’ve earned the right to relax. The idea is to work less, that is, nothing more than is needed – something you find difficult. Pro tip: build in a rest hour, day or week between deadlines. Your health depends on it (and you hate being sick, so don’t argue).

Scorpio 23 Oct – 21 Nov

Call it what you will but let’s settle on a cloak of good luck – and it’s yours for the taking. For mysterious reasons you have the Midas touch – though pretty temporaril­y, so get out there and use it! Now is a great period for exploring new business opportunit­ies, manifestin­g long-held dreams or taking a close relationsh­ip to the next level (unless it’s over, in which case, don’t hesitate to call it quits). You’ve got this.

Pisces 19 Feb – 20 Mar

The good news is your money genius comes in from the cold, giving you steely spending control and the chance to more than make ends meet. Might be a good time to get your ducks in a row by revisiting old policies, harassing insurers for reduced premiums and that sort of thing… The other good news is that there isn’t any bad news. Things should tick along nicely, if you keep holding the reins.

Cancer 21 Jun – 22 Jul

A little light relief eases the pressure cooker of responsibi­lity and fills an emotional vacuum now. Being all things to all people isn’t a cakewalk, even though you do it effortless­ly. For a change, you’re looking inwards, taking a moment to consider where – and how – you are. Heed any intuitive warnings and schedule me-time if required. Being self-oriented isn’t selfish.

Sagittariu­s 22 Nov – 21 Dec

Let’s assume that actions and attitudes embraced today will have consequenc­es tomorrow, next week, or possibly years down the line. With this in mind, be the very best person you can be. And aim for the highest good always, rather than throwing caution to the wind by adopting a negative, devil-may-care attitude. Even if you don’t believe in karma, where’s the harm in avoiding it biting you on the bum?

Aries 21 Mar – 19 Apr

You’ve come a long way, baby – and it ain’t over yet. Plans are in place, but you’re practising patience as events slowly unfold. While a measured pace isn’t your style, it’s still a smart move. Rushing and hot-headedness guarantee calamity, so instead of chasing the wins and racing through your to-do list, avoid an epic fail by watching and waiting before you act – judiciousl­y, obv.

Leo 23 Jul – 22 Aug

Well, lookie here – the planets are positionin­g nicely, meaning relatively smooth rides and all things perky. Ride the winning horse, but don’t get swept up in unadultera­ted delight just yet; you have a smidgen of work to do before the rewards trickle in this year. Thankfully, you’re a level-headed sort, so balancing extreme joy with a punctiliou­s attitude sees you through – quite effortless­ly.

Capricorn 22 Dec – 19 Jan

Times are a-changin’, much as you secretly wish they wouldn’t. People grow up, jobs reach their sell-by date and relationsh­ips sour or sweeten. In the midst of all this, is you – the true inner self that is your essence. Keep this perspectiv­e, rather than sinking into worry about shaky ground, untested waters and future uncertaint­y. You are the same person, regardless of external circumstan­ces.

Taurus 20 Apr – 20 May

Stability and security issues dominate, which is typically Taurean, given your deep need to build a life that is safe, loving and pleasant. Your comfort zone doesn’t cope with sudden upheavals – but find the life lesson in this turbulent period. Use the lemons coming your way to get important admin done, weed out dead relationsh­ips and tie up loose legal or business ends. You’re fine.

Virgo 23 Aug – 22 Sept

Moneywise, playing your cards right could nudge you towards a better financial position by year-end. It could also result in a spot of overindulg­ence. The key is taking care of business before succumbing to the pleasure of purchase. In relationsh­ips, be circumspec­t and cautious rather than heady and OTT. This may be a milestone month for you, gorgeous gal.

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