

Before you buy into any miracle diet, keep an eye out for these warning signs.


1. It excludes many foods or a whole food group.

‘A diet that leaves you with very limited choices is a big warning sign,’ says Nathalie.

2. The diet claims to be the ‘silver bullet’ for an illness.

‘The cause of illness is multifacto­rial and isn’t caused by a sole nutrient or food group, so it doesn’t make sense to eliminate a single nutrient/food to help cure yourself,’ says Abby.

3. It goes against convention­al science.

‘Fad diets usually disapprove of convention­al science and claim to know something that all nutrition scientists have missed or “are trying to hide from you”,’ says Abby.

4. It has a product tied to it.

‘Long-term healthy eating requires food. Be wary of product-pushing plans,’ says Nathalie.

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