


SERVES 4 I prefer to cook fish whole, but this recipe is best when you don’t have enough people to eat a whole salmon. Just make sure you don’t overcook the fillets. • 1 butternut • olive oil • 4 salmon portions, skin on • sea salt and ground black pepper • baby spinach leaves • lemon wedges

1. Halve the butternut, then cut it lengthways into 1cm-thick slices. Lightly coat with the olive oil. 2. Dry the salmon portions with kitchen towel and lightly coat with olive oil. Season the salmon and butternut with salt and pepper.

3. Prepare a medium-hot fire. Place the butternut on the grid first, turning the slices regularly. After 10–15 minutes, when it starts to soften, add the salmon, flesh side down.

4. As soon as the flesh releases easily from the grid, give the salmon a quarter turn, on the same side, to create diamond-shaped char marks. Cook all three skinless sides the same way. Cook the skin side last (it will take longer because the skin protects the flesh). The salmon should be cooked through but not dry; it should feel moist to the touch but firmer than when it’s raw. Remove it from the braai and leave to rest for 3–5 minutes (don’t cover the fish or it will lose its crispness).

5. While the salmon rests, throw the spinach on the grid. As soon as it wilts, remove it.

6. Serve the salmon, butternut and spinach with a squeeze of lemon juice and a drizzle of olive oil.

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