
Your horoscope


- By Angela Barry

Aries 21 Mar – 19 Apr

‘Go big or go home’ seems to be your mantra for the month. And the year, apparently; you’ve been stockpilin­g that sizzle for a while. Even low-key Arians are likely to feel festive for no reason at all. What to do with this barrel of mojo? Whatever, really, as long as you don’t bottle it up. Have purpose and get moving to avoid that pressure-cooker panic.

Leo 23 Jul – 22 Aug

Time to shake out that mane – it’s game on this month. Whether you’re climbing the career ladder or scooping kudos just for being awake, there’s a scintillat­ing something in the air that makes opportunit­y and good fortune a whack more feasible. Be wired and ready to pounce as unexpected stuff (the good kind) is likely, given the favourable vibe.

Sagittariu­s 22 Nov – 21 Dec

It ain’t over till the sexy Sag sings. Just when everybody else thought things couldn’t get worse and left the building, you turned up the heat, switched on the lights and threw a fabulous positivity party. Herd mentality was never your strong suit, which is fantastic news for the rest of us. Smile hard, no matter what anyone else might be doing.

Taurus 20 Apr – 20 May

Teamwork for the win! You’re the reigning hero right now, so utilise the fanbase to clinch a bucket-list goal or at least throw concrete for a solid adventure later. Time isn’t an issue now; just use your patience and interperso­nal prowess to work wonders during this career-friendly, crowd-pleasing period. You just can’t lose with that plentiful charm.

Virgo 23 Aug – 22 Sept

Despite appearance­s, any sense of being rocky or unstable is false. The foundation you’ve built over the last few years is stronger than life’s mess-ups – what doesn’t crush your crown makes you stronger. An unshakeabl­e faith in whatever floats your boat is vital now; just know that you generally make the right decisions when your mind’s in a good space.

Capricorn 22 Dec – 19 Jan

A crush of companions may see you heading for the hills introvert-like, but making connection­s now is a clever move. Foster a mild FOMO complex this month. The invisible strands of energy between people can make or break a mood, relationsh­ip, or workplace, so picking and choosing wisely is important – but do make the effort. A social whirl won’t hurt either.

Gemini 21 May – 20 Jun

There’s a lot of online yada-yada about taking risks, but you’re the most likely candidate to try – win or lose. With a bit of chutzpah and a healthy dose of devil-maycare, the end result doesn’t matter anyway. Breaking old habits and discoverin­g new pathways are goals worth embracing. Be bold as brass and twice as ballsy as usual. You’ve totally got this.

Libra 23 Sept – 22 Oct

It goes without saying that being mindful and taking big breaths are key factors in your ongoing success. We tend to forget the value of silence – and it’s more important now than ever. Being switched on 24/7 isn’t food for the soul; it’s toxic. Logic dictates that a spell in nature does everybody good, so do what you know you must: unplug and hug a tree.

Aquarius 20 Jan – 18 Feb

There’s no sense in fretting about days past, or those to come. While living ‘in the now’ is a ridiculous­ly tricky concept for us to grasp, it’s worthy of your time and effort over this strangely spiritual pause in your otherwise action-packed life. It might be useful to meditate or soak your toes in water – whatever form of TLC gives you peace.

Cancer 21 Jun – 22 Jul

Whether you like it or not, a radical detox is probably best. We’re not necessaril­y punting green tea and bamboo shoots for breakfast, mind – just target whichever area could use a jolly old clean-out. So if you’re feeling lumpish, blue or mildly maudlin about a state of affairs, be it man or mineral, go with the fulsome flow and get rid of the baggage.You’ll be amazed at how light you’ll feel.

Scorpio 23 Oct – 21 Nov

In your case, the law of attraction has more to do with what you have on offer now than what you imagine you should/could/would be somewhere in a fictional future. Don’t be puzzled by this – just ruminate on the fact that everything required for that thing you want is already in place. In fact, take time to consider this astounding truth; you’ll be glad you did.

Pisces 19 Feb – 20 Mar

Personalis­e your approach and watch what happens. Essentiall­y this means focusing on the best version of yourself at work and play – and, obviously, in love. Ditch the grumpy attitude, zip it, take one for the team and drag everybody up, not down. Too much responsibi­lity? Not for you. The spotlight’s trained on your strengths – use them wisely.

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