

- By Angela Barry

Cancer 21 Jun – 22 Jul

Typically, of course, there’s no time like the present. But in your case, putting things off until the weeds are cleared on the path ahead will stop you from falling flat on your face. Dramatics aside, the key energy is wait-and-see rather than barrelling forward blindly. Much as you would love a shake-up, it doesn’t have to be today. Bide your time. It will all be worth it.

Scorpio 23 Oct – 21 Nov

Your unparallel­ed ability to ferret out the truth and suss out situations where others can’t is a big advantage now. Keep that natural aptitude at the ready as you negotiate potential deals, both at work and in relationsh­ips. But remember to keep your cool if others lose theirs, and live by the mantra that everybody is trying their best. Teamwork is key.

Pisces 19 Feb – 20 Mar

The idea of being a sheep never did appeal, but you’re even more motivated to break free of mainstream mentality this month. Start by ditching one bad habit (even if it’s a small, annoying thing such as ancient sticky sweets squatting in your handbag) to breathe new, individual focused energy into your intriguing life. Remember, free spirits need focus too!

Leo 23 Jul – 22 Aug

Your lackadaisi­cal side tends to kick in only when you’ve had too much wine or cake, too little sleep or are bored senseless. If this somewhat lukewarm feeling seems to be permeating your life right now, don’t stress; it’s about taking time to make sense of life, both its banal routines and unexpected upsets. Watch your health towards the end of the month. Rest is required.

Sagittariu­s 22 Nov – 21 Dec

Some days we wake up knowing – beyond a doubt – that something momentous is on the cards. Quite often, though, it’s nothing more thrill-worthy than cruising through traffic a nanosecond faster than usual. But does it matter? The point is that intuition is real, and yours is on autopilot right now. Tune in. Who knows – a cash windfall? Mr Right? All up for grabs!

Aries 21 Mar – 19 Apr

You’re unlikely to be caught with your foot in your mouth over this smooth-talking period. Renowned (and, dare we say, feared) for your ability to speak up when necessary, you’re not only able to cut to the chase (diplomatic­ally, mind), but are all set to lead with positive vibes henceforth. Oh, we love you, we really do! Your charm and chutzpah is universall­y adored.

Virgo 23 Aug – 22 Sept

If you’re going for broke, expect twists and turns on the road to greatness. It’s natural to settle for nothing less than best, and in your case, the smell of victory is heady. Be just a pinch cautious, though; you won’t want to miss those finer details in the rush, causing nuisance delays and frayed tempers. Take it slow, be vigilant and you’ll get there sooner than you think.

Capricorn 22 Dec – 19 Jan

Capricorni­an compassion coupled with your obstacle-blasting emotional strength lends itself to good deeds over this lovely period. Doing unto others as you’d have them do unto you, etc, not only works in your favour but ripples outwards, making people happy. Being around you is a good move, clearly. Don’t overdo it, though; compassion fatigue is a thing.

Taurus 20 Apr – 20 May

Smarts are nice ’n all, but going heavy on emotional intelligen­ce works wonders this month. People trust you (if they don’t, they should) and they’re ripe for change. Perhaps a little sass and some initiative on your part might make someone’s day, month or life. Go on, be the woman you’ve always wanted to be. You’ll find it surprising­ly easy…

Libra 23 Sept – 22 Oct

Whipping up the courage to shine is often tougher than finally being in the spotlight. Your tendency to sidestep personal glorificat­ion is commendabl­e, mostly, but come on, now – credit where credit’s due. Be candid about your hard-won accomplish­ments and skill set to smooth a route to reward. Modesty is overrated.

Aquarius 20 Jan – 18 Feb

It’s never too late to change no matter how much regret you might feel, or how futile an issue seems. The trick is to believe that you have created that reality – which means you can change it. Whatever throws itself at you now is only as powerful as your reaction to it. We know the wisdom, and need to live it. Might be difficult for us lesser mortals, but you can!

Gemini 21 May – 20 Jun

Flutters in the pit of your stomach aren’t new, but something’s different this time. Happily, a back-tobasics self-esteem boost will improve matters if you’re feeling your age – or more ‘blegh’ than usual. Avoiding conflict and sticking to self-care appointmen­ts (which include couch-lolling and cocoa) are indicated. Now isn’t that nice? ✤

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