

Doing the java jive, playing the rebellion game and how to make your walk work for you.



According to research recently published in the European Journal of Epidemiolo­gy, drinking two to four cups of coffee a day is better for your health than drinking no coffee at all. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly why, but part of it is as simple as increased alertness.

‘Drinking coffee possibly adds another two years to your life,’ says Astrid Nehlig, a research director at France’s National Institute of Health and Medical Research. ‘Caffeine content makes you more alert and more reactive. You can reduce your risk of accidents at work and in daily life, which is a really powerful part of raising life expectancy.’

Coffee has also been linked to reductions in the risk of cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, type 2 diabetes and cardiovasc­ular disease. And you don’t even have to drink an expensive brand: instant has the same benefits as espresso or filter. Just don’t add sugar!


Trying to persuade your teens to eat healthily? Don’t bother! All you need do is point out how they’re being manipulate­d into craving junk food by advertisin­g and big business and they’ll give it up all on their own, says Christophe­r Bryan of the University of Chicago.

Teens hate being controlled by adults and will rebel against the idea that they’re being manipulate­d. Bryan et al’s study, published in the journal Nature Human Behaviour, looked at 350 teens aged 13 and 14. Boys reacted more strongly than girls and, three


Walking is excellent exercise: good for your head and your health. But it’s easy to focus so much on getting in your daily 10 000 steps that you may lose sight of what you could be doing for maximum impact – and that’s combining your walk with high-intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT can really help shift weight, and it’s so easy: walk at a moderate pace, then speed it up for 30 seconds every five minutes or so. Repeat four or five times and you’ll be amazed at the difference. Studies have found that varying your walking pace can increase calorie burning by about 20 percent.

months later, were still buying a third fewer unhealthy snacks than they had done previously.


It may sound like a sneeze when you say it, but that’s exactly what buchu will help you avoid! Found only in the Western Cape, this extraordin­ary plant is a natural anti-inflammato­ry that is also antibacter­ial: just what we need to help ward off winter colds and flu.

It’s also a good diuretic, which means it will help your system flush out any toxins. I love the taste of it so I enjoy drinking buchu tea, but other options include sparkling water, capsules and creams. Have a look at Food Lover’s Market and Wellness Warehouse.

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