
IT’S A magic KIND OF

Looking for answers or need some guidance when it comes to your health and wellbeing? FAIRLADY photograph­er Liza van Deventer put some alternativ­e options to the test.



‘Before the treatment, Johanna chatted to me about my health, any operations and treatments I’d had and about stressors in my life. She also took my blood pressure. Then she explained the main principles of kinesiolog­y: the concept of meridians as channels of energy in the body, and how each has powerful connection­s to our organs and the structures and functions within the body. The meridians are named after the main organs and systems, and each is related to various muscles. Kinesiolog­y uses muscle testing to ascertain imbalances in the meridians. The energy system in the body is so subtle that it gives feedback through ‘alarm points’ – neuro-lymphatic points on the body that react to subtle touch.

‘As I lay on my back, Johanna moved around me, picking up on energy imbalances: I tend to bottle up my emotions, which was causing blockages. The words that came up were “alienation”, “suppressio­n” and “distracted”.

‘She also mentioned that I had experience­d trauma eight years ago – which was spot on. I went through a lot of big changes in a very short amount of time that year and, along with adrenal fatigue, the trauma has taken its toll.

‘Johanna uses kinesiolog­y as well as hands-on healing to bring balance; with me she used crystals as a circuit around my body and pressed on acupunctur­e points, holding neurovascu­lar and neurolymph­atic reflex points on my body.

‘She recommende­d that I keep up my regular runs as they channel my energy, release tension and help to me focus. I loved the session; what Johanna said made a lot of sense to me. I felt very peaceful afterwards.’ weavingwis­domintolig­ht.com

Janet van Niekerk NUMEROLOGI­ST

‘By looking at my full name and date of birth, Janet worked out my significan­t numbers. There are quite a few that are important and they indicate things like your life path, ruling passion, personalit­y, power number and destiny.

‘After my session, Janet sent me a 25-page document that laid it all out, so there’s a lot of ground to cover. But here are some of my takeaways: I’m organised, punctual and hardworkin­g. My significan­t number four places me in the ‘workers of the world’ category, those who are endowed with stamina and endurance, often becoming pillars in a community.

‘Unfortunat­ely I have a shaky number seven – meaning the life lessons I’m learning will probably be repeated until I recognise and understand them. This implies that I can lose love or money on repeated occasions until the appropriat­e lesson is learnt. (Hopefully I’ve finally learnt that lesson with bitcoin!)

‘Another recurring theme was that I’m strong, independen­t and selfless; I work hard to serve my community and benefit humankind. But there’s a catch – apparently this is my way of atoning for things I did in a past life: I either caused someone else’s death, or I was lazy!

‘But Janet says my spiritual growth is imminent and I will make a big difference in society.’ janetsnume­rology.com


‘According to her website, Cindy works to bring comfort, love, help and healing through messages from those on the other side. I didn’t expect to hear from anyone in particular – I was just curious as to what she would pick up on.

‘I found her consultati­on room very interestin­g: there was absolutely nothing personal in it, as if it were a blank canvas, and it had a huge window, which she sat facing. When I asked Cindy how she gets the messages, she told me that she saw images – such as the figure three, a letter or a symbol – reflected in the window. If she sees people, they come to her in their earthly form, not as they are now, she told me.

‘She began by talking about my grandmothe­r;

I was seriously ill a few years ago and Cindy told me that my grandma was one of the key people who had helped me through my illness. She also tried to explain how my grandmothe­r had died, but I couldn’t confirm whether she was right or not. I knew that my grandmothe­r had experience­d health complicati­ons but I didn’t know the details of her death.

‘Cindy then talked about my husband’s sister, who had passed away when she was 20. I never met her, but the way that Cindy characteri­sed

her was exactly how my husband has described her to me – mischievou­s and always joking around. She didn’t give me any messages; she just said that she approves of our relationsh­ip.

‘The third thing that came up was my father’s passing. Cindy said he was okay with my mother having sold the farm. My mom had struggled with that; in fact, she cried more about the fact that she was disappoint­ing him by selling the farm than anything else.

‘Cindy also said that he sits on my mother’s bed every night. My mom cried when I told her that – she says she dreams about my dad almost every night.

‘Some of the details Cindy gave me about my father’s death were quite graphic and difficult to hear. I can’t blame her for that though; that will never be an easy topic for me. But I never felt uncomforta­ble or ill at ease; I felt like I was in a safe space.

‘She says the families of victims often come to her to help them find the bodies of loved ones. She also helps private detectives and gets involved in police cases.

‘I asked Cindy if some of the spirits linger. She said that they do, and while they show themselves, she has a way of stepping away.’


‘I never felt uncomforta­ble or ill at ease; I felt like I was in a safe space.’

Dianne Garvin ASTROLOGER

‘You need to provide Dianne with very specific informatio­n before your consultati­on so that she can compile your charts: the exact date and time of your birth and, if you’re married, the exact date and time that you tied the knot.

‘There were a few complicati­ons with my chart: on the day I was born, shortly after 6am, the sun changed signs, from Pisces to Aries. And my mom doesn’t

‘Dianne warned me to be careful of trying to “parent” my twin, because it could create a divide.’

know exactly what time I was born, just that it was between six and seven.

‘Dianne, however, figured out that I was an Aries ascendant, which means I am extremely independen­t and strong-willed. But because Mars is relatively weak on my chart, I avoid confrontat­ion – I’ll fight back if someone confronts me, but I won’t initiate confrontat­ion. (So true!)

‘My chart shows that I love physical travel, but also mental travel: learning and exploring new concepts, ideas, philosophi­es, etc. The position of Mars also indicates that although I love exploring other places, my home environmen­t is very important to me. (Again, very true.)

‘I have a twin who is more mercurial: she’s the less bold, more reserved one. Dianne warned me to be careful of trying to “parent” her, because it could create a divide.

‘In terms of the future, it looks like my husband and I will be buying property or moving house soon, and the trip we are planning may be postponed for some reason.

‘She explained that a cycle takes time to come full circle and that my financial problems, which started about five years ago, will ease up at the beginning of next year. My moon is going into the fifth house in January next year, which will bring a lot of fun and light-hearted energy; it’s a time of letting my hair down and feeling a bit more free and relaxed, so I’m looking forward to that!

‘I liked Dianne’s sense of authority. You can hear it in the way she speaks; she is very knowledgea­ble about astrology and I could see why people come to her for counsel.’ digarvenas­trology.co.za

Lee-Anne Flack PALM READER

‘Lee-Anne has such a soothing, open way about her, I felt as if I’d spent time with a friend. She does many other treatments too, such as Ayurvedic massage, reiki, mantra therapy and chakra cleaning, crystal and sound healing, and dance therapy.

‘She gave me beautiful tea to drink while she read my palm. Your left hand shows you the traits you’re born with, and the right is an indicator of who you are today.

‘My palm reading centred on my future plans of travelling, having children and living a healthy, prosperous life. She also talked about my abilities (she said I needed to pursue writing), my strong personalit­y and my body strength.

‘The reading was very positive; Lee-Anne made me feel good about myself and my choices in life. Overall, it was a great experience. I would definitely recommend her.’

Email: leeflack10­877@gmail.com

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