

- By Angela Barry

Virgo 23 Aug – 22 Sept

Don’t fret if relationsh­ips take centre stage but aren’t as good as they could be. It’s quite normal to take a dip emotionall­y; miscommuni­cation is often the gremlin. Thankfully, your practicali­ty and foresight are building blocks for realigning friendship and love. You are the hero in this narrative; you have the tools to fix just about anything.


22 Dec – 19 Jan

Great news! Just when you’re about ready to throw in the towel, give up and pull down the blinds, a chink of light opens in the dark, reminding you that with a dash of grit, you’re going to be styling. Try your best to drift with the tide of ragged relationsh­ips and frayed-edge dreams – everything is working out just as it should.


20 Apr – 20 May

You dynamo, you! Stopping isn’t an option, because you’re on to the next big thing, no matter how little or insignific­ant it might seem to the world. Whatever positive plans are in production can only bear fruit – a rather large, juicy, heavenly harvest, in fact. Be inspired by each moment and face firmly forward. There’s so much to see and do.

Libra 23 Sept – 22 Oct

Harmonisin­g the work-playpeople fusion is the raison d’etre for your present headspace, and the timing is just right. With your desire for balance in all things, feel free to act as devil’s advocate when the proverbial sh*t hits the fan; if you can’t make the world see reason, who can? Be bold and beautiful – you’re stronger than you think.


20 Jan – 18 Feb

It’s not helpful to rush at this time, because slamming into brick walls won’t be pleasant. Tricky as the universe seems at the moment, the right action is a wait-and-watch approach. Give it time – the smart goals you dreamed up a while back are slow-cooking to fruition. Look back at today in a few months from now – you will be all smiles.


21 May – 20 Jun

It’s usually the small to-do lists that creep up and bite us on the bum. And yes, mostly when least expected. Taking care of humdrum tasks and morphing into a pedantic paper-pusher is only a temporary inconvenie­nce. There is a luscious payoff: fulsome opportunit­y for progress and a souped-up sense of inner peace. Better get filing.

Scorpio 23 Oct – 21 Nov

Time is on your side during this round, but feeling irascible because carefully crafted ideas aren’t panning out is a no-no. Draw on that fearsome fortitude of yours: the bear-like warrior that wades in when the chips are down and patience wilts. The correct attitude secures success, while petulance fosters delays. You know which path to pick.


19 Feb – 20 Mar

Quieten down a tad – it’s no coincidenc­e that ‘silent’ and ‘listen’ are spelled with the same letters. Remember, you’re enormously powerful: if you stand back, wait and observe, you’ll notice that you have an innate knack for saying the correct thing at the best time. Others might ask what you’re on, but this guru-like philosophi­cal tactic works.


21 Jun – 22 Jul

You know how swallows swoop back to the same nest year after year? Or how, if you swap screen addiction for communing with the natural world, Mother Nature throws up a quiet pattern that tells its own, rhythmic story? Push back against corporate routine and infuse your workday with rainbow touches. Tip: an indoor plant works wonders.

Sagittariu­s 22 Nov – 21 Dec

Why the long face? Between fits and starts of Very Good Stuff, you might feel more under the weather than usual, which isn’t really you. Instead of ploughing the lows and barely skimming the highs, make a concerted effort to remember the happy things that pepper your landscape. Gratitude and abundance are mysterious­ly linked during this time.


21 Mar – 19 Apr

In Star Wars, Yoda said, ‘Do or do not; there is no try.’ In other words, decide to do it, or don’t – but don’t give yourself an out by saying you’ll ‘try’. This is a good focal point for your current life phase, given how the action quotient has wrenched up a notch. Be the warrior of your own adventure – and savour every step you take with chutzpah.


23 Jul – 22 Aug

Change isn’t on the horizon – it’s slap-bang in your face, providing positive mojo and diffusing the miserable mood that threatens to swipe you sideways sometimes. Embrace this wholesome flow – the more intensely you believe in life, the better it will treat you. Simple equations are best, and you’re at your very best right now. ✤

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