
Nicole Rousseau


‘Tahlia’s Instagram post couldn’t have come at a better time. I had just changed industries and started a career in accounting, so I had gone from a comfortabl­e salary to an entry-level one. It was important to re-evaluate my lifestyle expenses because I wanted to keep saving in spite of the pay cut. I also loved the concept of being mindful of what I’m spending my money on and doing it within a community of supportive women.

‘I’ve always thought

of myself as a frugal person, but when

I started adding up my unnecessar­y expenses I quickly learnt that that wasn’t the case at all! My biggest problems were takeaway coffees and work lunches, and I was spending a lot on beauty products I didn’t need. So I challenged myself to drink the coffee I had at home instead, pack work lunches for my partner and me, and buy new products only once mine had run out.

‘My biggest challenge was planning my weekly meals ahead of time. I’d do my shopping for the week on a Sunday, so I had to know exactly what I was going to cook before then. But I eventually got into it and I love it now – it’s not just saving me money, but it’s also making my life so much easier. I get home from work and it’s all planned out. By the time the two months were up I was saving double the amount I’d been saving before, which seemed unimaginab­le, given that I was earning less. It’s eye-opening to know that small adjustment­s that don’t impact the quality of my life can make such a huge financial impact.’

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