

- By Angela Barry

Libra 23 Sept – 22 Oct

‘If your thoughts can make you sick, can your thoughts make you well?’ Acclaimed author and motivation­al speaker Joe Dispenza often asks his internatio­nal audiences this question. Chewing the cud of this progressiv­e approach to life works well for you during this rambunctio­us phase. Mastering negativity makes room for growth.


20 Jan – 18 Feb

Mental gymnastics and emotional intelligen­ce blend beautifull­y this month, giving you oodles of add-ons and more advantages than expected. This is particular­ly true at work (that promotion you’ve been eyeing!), as your brain is firing sharply, bringing crowd-pleasing solutions and people-building skills to the fore. Use them wisely and you might even save the planet!


21 May – 20 Jun

Now’s the time to live in the now – spontaneit­y is definitely a huge benefit over this auspicious period. The only bugbear, of course, is you. (No surprises there). Fear of letting go, losing control or looking like a twit could drive you undergroun­d. Don’t go there; it’s time to put on those big-girl panties and jump into the fray: you’ve got what it takes.

Scorpio 23 Oct – 21 Nov

Fiddling to alter unforeseen circumstan­ces won’t work in your favour this time, if it ever has. But you know that. A go-with-the-flow attitude dilutes stress before it takes charge, giving you ample space and time to slot into Plan B should things not work out as anticipate­d. It’s an easy ride at the moment, as long as you’re willing to weather the bumps.


19 Feb – 20 Mar

You are willing and able, but your body may say nay for a spell. If the slightest whiff of burnout appears, feel free to stay under the duvet until it passes. Your hard work and compassion­ate nature are splendid traits, and life’s looking rosy, but there’s no point in running on empty without sufficient reserves. A little time out will ensure you come roaring back.


21 Jun – 22 Jul

While nobody faults you for excellence and endeavour in everything you touch right now, it’s obvious that your secret self is hungering for something rather different. What’s that, you say? Can’t tell, really – only you would know. That is, if you’re willing to put half a mind to it. Simply put: if you’re yearning to break free into a more positive mindset or place, do it.

Sagittariu­s 22 Nov – 21 Dec

It’s just ‘growing pains’, you’ll be glad to know. Underneath it all you’re fighting fit and feeling it, but you tend to forget what you’re capable of when the chips are down. Go deep, as there are goals to be attained and deals to seal. There’s nothing wrong with a break before the sprint – but just a wee one. No need for that poker face. You’ve got a flush to play.


21 Mar – 19 Apr

Bit of a mixed bag you’ve got there: the highs are thrilling while the lows knock you for a six. Happily, your inimitably draconian inner strength and an always better-thanaverag­e attitude anaestheti­se the downers. Nothing is all that troubling if you don’t let yourself be troubled. Stay focused and don’t stress. As they say in the classics, ‘This too shall pass.’


23 Jul – 22 Aug

Come summertime, you’ll be scrapbooki­ng the last few months of a brain-bending humdinger of a year. That said, ‘expect the unexpected’ may become this month’s mantra. Don’t worry – it’s all good, and about time! Your sincere and open-faced approach to the world makes a scintillat­ing impression on the relationsh­ip and job fronts, so go get ’em, clever clogs!

Capricorn 22 Dec – 19 Jan

Your personal power button works faultlessl­y at worst, particular­ly when you’re appropriat­ely napped, fed and stimulated. So what is it that’s holding you back? Try a dose of introspect­ion – and it goes much further now than being distracted by external goals. Think about how you feel, who you are, and why. The answers may thrill you.


20 Apr – 20 May

Pleased with yourself? Good. If not, ditch the self-flagellati­on and take some credit for being your sassy self. Several top-notch career opportunit­ies or personal adventures are likely to sniff you out, with promises of renewed energy and endlessly creative endeavours. But be aware: any lingering doubt must go. What you think, you become.


23 Aug – 22 Sept

As much as you may want to let rip, it’s time to get a grip on the histrionic­s, sister, and learn to hold your tongue rather than speak out impulsivel­y. This way, you’ll be shielded from any silly fallouts during this pernickety patch. Watching and waiting are key to success – and if you manage to hold on to your hat, others may learn from your guru-like grace and dignity. ✤

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