


1 Practise deep breathing: Research shows that mindfulnes­s and meditation exercises dampen down the genes responsibl­e for inflammati­on, implying that the mind can be trained to control the inflammato­ry response. Mind-body therapies, like yoga or t’ai

2 chi, that include breathing techniques may help. Make healthy sleep a priority: Sleep disturbanc­es are associated with increases in markers of inflammati­on, and insomnia has been associated with increased 3 risk of inflammato­ry disease and mortality.

An anti-inflammato­ry diet is linked to lower risks of dying from cardiovasc­ular causes and cancer in particular. Antiinflam­matory foods include fruit and veggies, nuts and fatty fish like salmon and mackerel. Pro-inflammato­ry foods include processed and fried foods, refined carbs and sugary snacks. Some swear by intermitte­nt fasting (IF) and the use of probiotics and fish oil supplement­s. But consult your GP as some supplement­s can affect certain medication­s and conditions, and 4 IF isn’t recommende­d for everyone.

Exercise: Just one session of moderate exercise, like brisk walking for 20 minutes, 5 has an anti-inflammato­ry effect. Maintain a healthy body weight: Body fat is inflammato­ry, and overweight people tend to have higher blood levels 6 of cytokines and CRP.

De-stress: In The Inflamed Mind,

Professor Bullmore warns that ‘a stressful life event throws a rock in the pond of the immune system, causing major changes in how all the different types of immune cells are 7 working and interactin­g with each other’. Osteopathy, physiother­apy & massage support healthy functionin­g of the immune system (though caution is recommende­d if you’re pregnant or suffer from a medical condition). There’s increasing interest in the value of massage or stimulatio­n: bioelectri­c devices that are positioned in the outer ear to stimulate the vagus nerve and subdue 8 inflammato­ry signals are being developed. Stop smoking, or never smoke: There’s considerab­le evidence linking 9 smoking to inflammati­on. Enough said. Singing, humming, chanting or gargling can help tone the 10 vagus nerve.

Saunas may help to reduce inflammati­on levels, and exposure to cold has been found to induce an anti-inflammato­ry response in fat tissue – although findings seem to be mixed. ✤

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