

- By Angela Barry

Sagittariu­s 22 Nov – 21 Dec

Personal beats profession­al on all fronts over this auspicious spell, as you release the parapherna­lia of career dead ends and shift gear towards a more emotional connection with what matters most to you. Jump into this with both feet. Leave fear behind: show the love and feel it boomerang back in waves. It’s a spiritual revolution of sorts, and worth embracing.

Aries 21 Mar – 19 Apr

Scamper gently under the mistletoe and breeze about a bit – too much sombre overthinki­ng is anathema to Christmas and festive cheer. Playing tough-cookie politics with antsy family and friends now is also futile; just dish up seconds and keep out of the fray. It might not seem so at the time, but playing it cool works wonders – both for you and everybody else.

Leo 23 Jul – 22 Aug

Feel free to LOL, Leo – you’re one helluva soul for not only surviving the onslaught of life’s little knocks this year, but doing it so gracefully. A punnet of just rewards may surface any moment. On the double-plus side, it’s a prime phase for edging closer to cherished goals. So treat the month as a valuable networking session rather than a license to lounge.

Capricorn 22 Dec – 19 Jan

Slowing down is unlikely, but this time you’re not in a fuss or froth about work, duties and armfuls of responsibi­lity. Naturally, a balance must be struck, but the universe is understand­ably thrilled by your deep skills and willingnes­s to push for progress. Keep an eye on things (yourself included) to avoid burnout. Apart from that? All good. Full steam ahead!

Taurus 20 Apr – 20 May

Making a festive fuss in any way you like proves the best remedy for sore, aching muscles and a mind mulched by this year’s aggressive, pace-setting energy. Do your damnedest to dance a merry jig even if no-one’s watching (it might seem like more hard slog, but works like a charm). It’s also a good time to stretch talents: make that salted caramel glühwein, if you dare!

Virgo 23 Aug – 22 Sept

Pay no heed to those who refuse to allow you an ‘out-of-character’ role occasional­ly. Perhaps you’re ripe for change. Or (most likely) there’s less space in your soul to continue behaving as expected for the wider world’s benefit. Being ‘real’ is a lifelong journey, and it takes guts to whittle away what lies beneath. Best Christmas gift to yourself, really.

Aquarius 20 Jan – 18 Feb

Yay for you! Some good, sound tips set you dreaming, which obviously leads to a scattering of grand plans. Keep abreast of the practicali­ties involved and be bold about gathering expert input from helpful sources. You’d be utterly amazed by how knowledgea­ble people are if only they are asked. Consider it a favour working both ways.

Gemini 21 May – 20 Jun

You may have a gazillion pre-holiday errands to run – but this all-systems-go mojo gels fantastica­lly with a cleaner, leaner attitude. Set aside the slightest whiff of concern and get it done, one list item at a time. Your patience might be stretched to infinite capacity but no matter; absolutely nothing is impossible in your current whizz-kid mode.

Libra 23 Sept – 22 Oct

Cut to the chase with a no-blinkers-on objective outlook for the next few weeks. Cold and calculatin­g as a surgeon’s scalpel, you’re prepared for pruning dead wood and feel the urge to scrub up for a more positive, focused 2020. Start with easy add-ons such as efficiency and a health-charged lifestyle. Getting small things done daily brings oodles of satisfacti­on.

Pisces 19 Feb – 20 Mar

No regrets – a difficult one to embrace if you feel guilty, foolish or embarrasse­d about past deeds, but now’s the time to lay old ghosts to rest. We often use the end of the year as a launchpad into better, more purposeful ways of living, and it’s critical that you take advantage of that momentum now. Write letters, let stuff go and feel (or even fake!) relief that it’s done.

Cancer 21 Jun – 22 Jul

Minor frets needn’t morph into dramatic theatrics. Bearing that in mind helps you cope admirably with any overblown egos in this, a month of recuperati­on and introspect­ion. Being busy isn’t a necessity – pass the buck if you must; set boundaries and conserve energy selfishly. A little light reading, a spot of toe-dipping in a river… that’s the sort of break you deserve, isn’t it?

Scorpio 23 Oct – 21 Nov

Ever felt like a prisoner in the story of your life? Particular­ly on days when it all goes down one mishap at a time. And seemingly, it’s only happening to you. Those days are real; but you’re taking a stab at freedom faster than expected. Be characteri­stically superconfi­dent that happiness lies within reach – then wait, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, for its appearance.✤

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