


MAKES 10-12


Bitter chocolate and a good pinch of salt in these chewy oat biscuits bring a savoury counterpoi­nt to the milk chocolate filling. If you prefer a less chewy texture, bake them for a little longer. The biscuits and filling will keep separately for up to a week, but it’s best to fill them on the day you want to eat them.

• 170g butter, melted and cooled

• 220g (1 cup) brown sugar

• 110g (½ cup) caster sugar

• 1 tsp vanilla extract

• 1 egg

• 1 egg yolk

• 300g (2 cups) plain flour

• 120g rolled oats

• ½ tsp baking powder

• 200g chocolate (70% cocoa solids), coarsely chopped


• 110g (½ cup) caster sugar

• 2 tsp lemon juice

• 200ml pouring cream

• 400g milk chocolate, finely chopped

1. For the milk chocolate

ganache, stir the sugar, lemon juice and 40ml water in a saucepan over medium-high heat until the sugar dissolves. Brush down the sides of pan with a wet pastry brush to remove sugar crystals, bring to the boil and cook without stirring but swirling the pan occasional­ly until a dark caramel forms (3-4 minutes). Remove from the heat, add the cream and stir to combine. Add the chocolate, return to the heat and stir continuous­ly until smooth. Refrigerat­e until firm.

2. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Beat the melted butter, sugars and vanilla until well combined (2-3 minutes). Add the egg and yolk, and beat until pale and creamy. Stir in the flour, oats, baking powder and 1 tsp sea salt flakes, then stir in the chocolate. Spoon heaped tablespoon­fuls of the mixture onto oven trays lined with baking paper, leaving 5cm between each spoonful to allow for spreading. Flatten slightly, scatter with a little extra salt, then bake until the edges are golden (6-8 minutes). Cool completely on trays, then store in an airtight container for up to 2 days.

3. Soften the ganache briefly at room temperatur­e, then spread thickly over half the biscuits. Sandwich with the remaining biscuits and serve.

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