
Try out these 6 delicious recipes from Let’s Meet in Paradise.



Serves 4 The flavour of this delicious, slow-cooked chicken tagine with preserved lemons and green olives can be found all over Morocco. It’s delicious when served with a simple peasant salad and moreish torn flatbread or couscous.


• 2 tsp ground ginger

• 1 tsp cumin seeds, dry roasted, then ground using a pestle and mortar

• 1 tsp paprika

• ¼ tsp ground cloves

• ½ tsp Maldon salt

• ½ tsp pepper, to season

• 8 skinless chicken portions (we prefer thighs and drumsticks)


• 2 tbsp olive oil

• 3 onions, chopped

• 2 garlic cloves, crushed

• 1/3 cup de-pitted, quality green olives

• 2 preserved lemons, quartered, with pips removed

• 125ml chicken stock

• 60g fresh coriander, chopped

• 2 tbsp fresh Italian parsley, coarsely chopped

To make the rub

1. Combine the ginger, cumin, paprika, cloves, salt and pepper in a bowl. Add the chicken portions, massaging the spices into the meat.

2. Refrigerat­e and allow the chicken to sit for 4 hours minimum, preferably overnight.

To make the tagine

1. Heat the oil over medium heat in a tagine (you can also use a medium-sized pot).

2. Add the chicken and fry until golden brown; add the onions and garlic, and cook until glassy and fragrant.

3. Remove from the heat and layer with the olives and the preserved lemons; pour over the stock and add the coriander and parsley.

4. Cover and allow to cook over very low heat for a minimum of two hours. Occasional­ly check to make sure the dish isn’t drying out. If it is, add extra stock. 5. Once cooked, allow the dish to stand for at least 15 minutes before serving.

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