
Functional medicine health coach


Three years ago, my husband, Brendan, succumbed to colon cancer after a 10-month battle with the disease. It was a tremendous blow, but it also led me to rediscover and pursue my passion for functional medicine.

At the time of his diagnosis the doctors recommende­d chemothera­py but said the chances of remission via that route were only 10%. To go through the hell of chemo with only a slim chance of success seemed crazy to both of us, so we decided to look at alternativ­e therapies and began to overhaul our diet and lifestyle totally. I dived into research, learning all I could about the root causes of disease. It was obvious to my husband that I was in my element; my brain was firing away!

Unfortunat­ely, our efforts were in vain as the cancer had not been caught soon enough, and I didn’t yet have enough experience or education to help him. But before he passed, he gave me an incredible gift. He said, ‘Sandy, there is some money coming to you when I go. I want you to pursue this passion after I’ve gone; make the most of it.’

And that’s what I did. I used some of the money to take a course in functional medicine coaching. Functional medicine is a system of identifyin­g and addressing the root causes of disease. It help me through the grief, and I found my calling.

I am now a qualified functional medicine coach, and I am deeply passionate about the work I do because I know the impact it can have on people’s quality of life.

I am honouring Brendan’s memory by helping others to feel healthier and to prevent, or heal, noncommuni­cable diseases.

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