
Andile Dyalvane

- CERAMICIST @imisoceram­ics

Andile Dyalvane’s ceramics pay homage to his culture, which lies at the very heart of his work. ‘I’ve always loved doodling, which would often get me into trouble with my teachers. But those drawings gave me a sense of calm and made me feel centred,’ he says. Later he found his artistic heart and home in clay. ‘It’s an amazing, powerful medium that allows me not only to express myself but also to channel spiritual connection­s, communicat­e with my ancestors and pay respect to my culture through this art form.’

No two pieces he creates are alike. ‘The work comes from the same hand, but with different purposes,’ he says. ‘The environmen­t dictates what I create – the sounds around me, music, how I feel... I’m learning something new about myself every minute and that informs how I work. Each piece carries its own message.’

Connecting to higher powers is a critical part of the creative process for Andile. He shares an equally deep respect for the clay itself and where it came from. ‘If you look at the material and where it exists in the ground, you’ll find it right at the bottom of the soil, where it combines with minerals, plant matter and animal matter as far back as time goes, and I am able to connect with that. To me, clay has been a tool to express, heal, restore and learn.’

Andile’s latest collection, Ithongo ,is on display at Southern Guild Collectibl­e Design Gallery in Cape Town; it moves to Friedman Benda in New York on 29 April. You can also see his work at Imiso Ceramics at The Old Biscuit Mill in Woodstock, Cape Town, or visit imisoceram­ics.co.za

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