
Moloko Letsoalo

OPERA SINGER @moloko_letsoalo


‘I was always passionate about music – singing in particular,’ Moloko Letsoalo says. ‘Growing up, I sang in church and in the choir at high school. Amazingly, opera was never on my radar; I was only exposed to it much later.’

Now a student at the Royal College of Music, Moloko will never forget her first visit to the opera. Now she wants to give audiences the same experience she herself had. ‘I went to see a production of Princess Magogo and left in tears because the lead performer had portrayed that role so beautifull­y. It was the most amazing thing – it certainly solidified that performing as a soprano is what I was born to do.’

Moloko draws inspiratio­n from sopranos like Angela Gheorghiu and Anna Moffo. The artistry and charisma behind their performanc­es, she says, are what she hopes to achieve with her own.

‘I think it relates to what music

❛ My goal is to present the music with such integrity, authentici­ty and emotional intelligen­ce that it leaves a lasting impact.❜ has made me feel, and what it’s got me through in my own life. I want to do that for the audience. If I touch someone by making them cry or feel grateful or laugh… If I can help somebody, in that moment, to forget about their problems or the mess the world is in right now, that’s worth it. Even if only for a moment, even if only one person – my goal is to present the music with such integrity, authentici­ty and emotional intelligen­ce that it leaves a lasting impact.’

Moloko has performed at the Johannesbu­rg Internatio­nal Mozart Festival and in a number of opera production­s of Cape Town Opera and UCT Opera School, and participat­ed in the Samro Overseas Scholarshi­ps Competitio­n for Singers 2019.

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