


Risotto is delicious, but who has the patience (or time) for all that stirring? Rather take the easy route. With GLAD Oven Bake Bags, you can cook your risotto in the oven. So, sit back and relax while GLAD does the hard work for you.


The parsley oil is what gives this recipe its wow factor. Remember, you can always wash and reuse your GLAD Zip Seal Bags. The planet will thank you! We made a big batch of oil. You can keep it in the fridge for up to one month.

Prep time | 15 minutes Cooking time | 40 minutes Serves | 6-8

30g Italian parsley

1 cup (250ml) olive oil

1 GLAD Zip Seal Bag

1 large GLAD Oven Roasting Bag 375 ml arborio rice

1 onion, chopped finely

2 garlic cloves, chopped

250g brown mushrooms, sliced

1 cup (250ml) chicken stock

½ cup (125ml) white wine

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

1 cup (250ml) parmesan cheese, grated, plus extra for serving

½ cup (125ml) butter

Add the parsley and oil to a blender and blend for 2 to 3 minutes. Pour the oil into a GLAD Zip Seal Bag (photo 1), and let it stand at room temperatur­e for 2 hours. The longer the oil is left to infuse, the more intense the flavour will be. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Place the rest of the ingredient­s except the butter and parmesan in a large GLAD Oven Roasting Bag (photo 2). Season with salt and pepper. Place the bag on an oven tray and seal according to packet instructio­ns. Make a small hole at the top of the bag to allow steam to escape. Bake for 40 minutes. Remove from oven and cut open the bag. Stir through the parmesan and butter. Spoon onto a serving dish and drizzle with some of the parsley oil. Serve with extra parmesan.

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