


odds are you have your own ‘relics of relationsh­ips past’ tucked away somewhere: tear-stained love letters, gifts, old photos, concert tickets… In a museum in Zagreb, Croatia, you’ll find items just like these (and much stranger) on display.

Conceptual­ised by exes Olinka Vištica and Dražen Grubišic, the Museum of Broken Relationsh­ips houses a collection of donations from around the world, each with a short descriptio­n of the significan­ce of the object. Some items might seem mundane: a toaster, a pair of heels, a positive pregnancy test. More alarmingly, a prosthetic leg. A taser. An axe with a note that reads: ‘In the 14 days of her holiday, every day I axed one piece of her furniture.’

Next to a box of maple-and-seasalt popcorn: ‘She was a regional buyer for a grocer and that meant I got to try some great samples.

I miss her, her dog and the samples, and I can’t stand to have this fancy microwave popcorn in my house.’ He couldn’t bring himself to get rid of it either, so he donated it and put those feelings on display. The old adage holds true: misery loves company.

It all began with a break-up: the founders were divvying up their possession­s in 2003 when they came up with the idea. ‘We found it very hard to say goodbye,’ Vištica explained in Afar magazine.

‘We wanted to keep alive some of the great memories we had.’ The museum’s very first piece? A windup rabbit they’d named Honey Bunny. Ironically, the museum has made them partners of a different kind. ‘People think the bunny is our object,’ Vištica told The Harvard Gazette. ‘But really the museum is our object.’

Besides permanent installati­ons in Zagreb and Los Angeles, there is a virtual museum and a travelling installati­on that has crossed the globe. Pop-ups in Buenos Aires, Singapore, Istanbul, Brussels and Cape Town have all included some local heartbreak.

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 ??  ?? Exhibit No.1: Honey Bunny the wind-up rabbit.
Exhibit No.1: Honey Bunny the wind-up rabbit.

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