
School run solution

Need a lift for your child but worried about their safety? Then this new communityb­ased ride-sharing service in the d6 Connect app that creates a lifting network with parents is your answer.


Juggling work with taking your children to school and sport activities is tricky under normal circumstan­ces, and now with the challenges everyone has faced during lockdown, it’s even more challengin­g. It’s easy to feel overwhelme­d as you try to balance work with kids, errands and everything else. On top of this, you’re worried about their safety and don’t want them to get in a car with just anyone. Cue your trusted helping hand, at the touch of a button. It’s a ride-sharing service in the d6 Connect app that offers an easy and, more importantl­y, safe solution! While there are some parents who need lifts, there are those who can pick up and drop off their children, and they often do so with empty seats in their vehicles. This new ride-sharing service connects these two parents – those needing a ride with those that have driving capacity.

As a bonus, the app creates extra revenue opportunit­ies for driving parents.

HOW IT WORKS Your Gr 7 daughter needs to be collected from school, but you have a video meeting scheduled with a very important client. You hop on d6 Connect, go to Rides, look for and find a parent within the community who is already picking up their child. When the driving parent arrives, she also picks up your child – this is known as a Zipalong. You get notified of every step along the way for extra peace of mind.


• Connect with driving parents in the same community.

• View all available rides for a specific day.

• Decide who your child will be travelling with.

• Pre-book trips and share the details of the trip with your child.

• Track all trips. You will receive notificati­ons alerting you when your child has been picked up and/or dropped off and will also be able to track your child’s journey on a map via live tracking.

• Sign up as a driver, and if a trip isn’t there you can create one.

• Edit or cancel trips ahead of time.


• Find Rides under “more” in the d6 Connect App.

• Select which date you would like to book a trip.

• Select the driver-parent.

• Provide the pickup and/or drop off address.

• Select which of your children needs the lift.

• Share the details of the trip with your child.

• Payment is a breeze as your bank card details are loaded on the app.

Grab a ride in the d6 Connect app! If your school doesn’t have it yet, ask them about it so you can also benefit from this exciting new service.

Convenient, easy and safe, the ride-sharing service, powered by Zipalong in d6 Connect allows you to be part of the future of school transporta­tion. For more informatio­n visit: www.d6.co.za/rides or email support@zipalong.co.za

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