




This Italian dish is traditiona­lly made with veal. Saltimbocc­a literally translates as ‘jump in the mouth’. By porking it up, we are doubling its athletic skills!

• 500 g fresh gnocchi

• large pork fillet (1kg), cut into 8 medallions

• salt and pepper

• large handful sage leaves

• 12 slices prosciutto or Parma ham

• 2 large knobs butter

• olive oil

• 2∕³ cup Marsala wine or medium cream sherry

• grated Parmesan cheese

1. Cook gnocchi according to packet instructio­ns. Drain and set aside.

2. Place the pork medallions on a chopping board. Using a meat mallet or rolling pin, gently flatten to about 1cm thick. Season well. Place a sage leaf or two on each medallion, and wrap in prosciutto or Parma ham to create a little meat parcel. Press gently with your hands to secure the two together.

3. Heat a large knob of butter and a splash of oil in a pan and fry the gnocchi until golden and slightly crisp. Remove and keep warm.

4. Add another splash of oil and knob of butter to the pan. When the butter begins to froth, add the meat parcels and fry until golden and cooked through, about 3 minutes per side. Remove and set aside.

5. Pour in the Marsala wine and shake and scrape the bits in the pan so that they combine with the sauce.

6. Place the gnocchi in shallow serving bowls and sprinkle with Parmesan. Top with meat parcels and drizzle over the sauce.


• Wrap the medallions in streaky bacon instead of prosciutto or Parma ham.

• Omit the gnocchi in this recipe and serve the meat on mashed potato.

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