Farmer's Weekly (South Africa)




1. Variety of apple (8)

5. Plant that survives the winter by having

subterrane­an buds (8)

9. Small, oval, dark-purple plum (6)

10. Open country, meadow, pasture or arable (3)

11. Young pig (6)

12. Nerve centre (8)

14. Lines that touch curves (8)

17. Variety of peach with a smooth skin (9)

18. Elk-like South African antelope (5)

20. Flow off gradually (5)

22. Pungent condiment prepared from seeds of plants

of the Brassica genus ( 7)

23. Genus of palms native to Southeast Asia and India (5) 25. Hang down; grow weak or faint (5)

27. Dish of fowl, rabbit, etc. cut into pieces and served

in sauce (9)

30. Carried by the wind (8)

32. Parasitic nematode worms (8)

33. Accustoms; habituates (6)

34. Intestine (3)

35. Dog like a huge greyhound but with a long, soft coat (6) 36. Engage in contemplat­ion (8)

37. Domestic cockerels (8)


1. Descent; lineage (8)

2. Kernel used to flavour marzipan (6)

3. Tract of uncultivat­ed high ground (8)

4. Polyamide used for stockings and tights (5)

5. Small piece of a plant inserted in another so as to

come to organic union (5)

6. Turned up the soil in ridges and furrows (8)

7. Joining draught animals at the neck (6)

8. Of the landmass stretching from Portugal to Japan

and Indonesia (8)

13. Closing of an opening, passage or cavity (9)

15. Beekeepers (9)

16. Natural depression where sodium chloride

accumulate­s, often by evaporatio­n (4,3)

19. Chopper (3)

21. Avocado (abbr.) (3)

23. Series of tanks for keeping water animals (8)

24. Cover with closely set trees (8)

25. Higher crustacean­s with 10 feet, including pincers (8) 26. Pale-coloured, edible, carrot-like roots (8)

28. Solid surface of the Earth (6)

29. Of food, to make a hissing sound while frying (6) 31. Large bird of prey (5)

32. Change (5)

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