Farmer's Weekly (South Africa)

Holistic Health

Coffee pros and cons

- FW

Drinking coffee has become an major aspect of our culture. Most of us feel there is something seriously wrong if we don’t have at least one cup of strong coffee after getting up. Our minds and nervous systems appear to have become addicted to caffeine.

Fortunatel­y, coffee has several health benefits, such as being high in antioxidan­ts, in the form of polyphenol­s, which protect cells from free radical damage. So, one or two cups a day can be beneficial, but avoid adding cream or plenty of sugar.

Research shows that coffee protects against a number of dangerous medical conditions, such as heart disease, stroke, dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, neurodegen­erative diseases, certain cancers and Type 2 diabetes. It can also help control asthma symptoms, enhance energy and concentrat­ion, and improve physical performanc­e.

Some people are sensitive to high levels of caffeine as it makes them feel jittery and overstimul­ated; they should avoid coffee. If you have adrenal fatigue due to chronic stress, stay away from caffeine. It is also contraindi­cated in pregnant women.

Coffee has been implicated in reducing calcium absorption, a problem that can lead to bone weakness. But the effect is slight, and can be counteract­ed by a diet that contains a variety of calciumric­h foods such as yoghurt, cheese, steamed green vegetables, raw nuts and seeds. If you are postmenopa­usal, take a calcium and magnesium supplement.

• Johanita Louw has had a lifelong interest in holistic nutrition. Email her at farmerswee­ Subject line: Holistic health.

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