Farmer's Weekly (South Africa)




3. Apparatus for converting garden waste into

decomposed organic substances (9)

9. Instrument for turning up the soil in ridges and

furrows (6)

10. Parts of cereal plants containing the seeds (4)

11. Brushwood or shrubs growing below trees (9)

12. One of a pair of bony outgrowths from the frontal

bone of a deer (6)

15. Dutch town after which a semi-hard cheese

is named (4)

16. On a single occasion (4)

18. Expanse of salt water (3)

20. Colour imparted to plants by chlorophyl­l (5)

23. Storage space in the roof (5)

26. Leaves of three leaflets (8)

27. Young horse (4)

28. Speed of music (5)

29. Bound morally or legally ( 7)

30. Covered with fine particles of solid matter (5)

32. Animal surgeons (4)

33. Teaches (8)

34. Mexican agave yielding fibre for rope-making (5) 37. Last or perfect stage of an insect’s developmen­t (5) 38. Mineral spring (3)

40. Long-winged aquatic bird with a forked tail (4) 42. Chooses (4)

44. Cause a horse rider to fall from the saddle (6)

47. Producing only one offspring at birth (9)

48. Edible shellfish of various kinds; a very reticent

person (4)

49. House for a dog (6)

50. Largest land mammals (9)


1. Narrow, treed valley with a stream (4)

2. Uncastrate­d male of the cattle family (4)

3. Apparatus used for making butter (5)

4. Small, gnat-like fly (5)

5. Man-eating monster or giant (4)

6. Shallow wooden baskets with handles for carrying

flowers or fruit (5)

7. Warm up again (6)

8. Great wild sheep of Asia (6)

12. Substances used to destroy algae (9)

13. Structures of crossbars or latticewor­k for training

plants (9)

14. A vast age (3)

17. North American reindeer (plural) (8)

19. Direction of the sunrise (4)

21. One from Morocco or Eswatini. ( 7)

22. Golden to red-brown gemstone with a silky lustre (5,3) 24. Mild in climate (9)

25. Set of wrinkles spreading out from the corner of

an eye (5-4)

31. Sharp cry or bark (4)

35. African leaping antelope with horns curved in the

shape of a lyre (6)

36. Take upon oneself (6)

37. Small hotel open to the public for food, drink and

accommodat­ion (3)

39. Existing; vigorous (5)

40. Spiny plant (5)

41. Rebaked pieces of enriched bread (5)

43. Way trodden out by the feet (4)

45. Mass of rounded grains of rock, especially quartz (4) 46. Birds as a class of vertebrate­s (4)

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