Farmer's Weekly (South Africa)

3 Minutes with Aron Kole


Managing director of FarmSol

If you were given R30 million to invest in agricultur­e, either in new or existing farming activities or in the agricultur­e value chain, how would you spend it?

I’d invest in supporting innovative ideas and technologi­es in agricultur­e that create jobs and unlock opportunit­ies for young people to enter farming. I’d also invest in a programme to revive backyard farming in rural areas. Furthermor­e, I’d provide support to unemployed agricultur­al graduates to gain experience and skills.

What is the best advice you have ever been given?

One of my teachers told me that the real failure is in quitting when things seem too hard. This advice has helped me persevere and find a reason to move forward.

If you were given carte blanche to effect one major change in South Africa tomorrow, how would you use this power?

There is enormous potential to develop agricultur­e; high-potential agricultur­al lands remain unproducti­ve due to a lack of resources. I would focus all my attention on bringing these into production. The direct and indirect spin-offs would alleviate poverty and create employment.

What is the one thing that the COVID-19 lockdown taught you not to take for granted?

To cherish the time and the special moments, big or small, we have with our loved ones.

What is your favourite South African dish?

Being Tswana, I always find that ting (fermented sorghum porridge) reminds me of home and good childhood memories. I enjoy it most with a delicious goat stew; it’s a dish my mother used to prepare, especially during the cold winter months.

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