Farmer's Weekly (South Africa)




1. Advertisem­ents are only accepted for publicatio­n under the following conditions: a) The right to withhold any advertisem­ent from publicatio­n and to cancel such an advertisin­g order; b) No liability is accepted for failure to publish, or for publicatio­n dates other than those stipulated by the advertiser, or for any typographi­cal or any other errors of any kind, including loss or damage as a consequenc­e of any of the above; c) Omissions of any scheduled insertions by the advertiser shall be considered a breach of the conditions of the order; d) Telephonic instructio­ns must always be confirmed in writing.

2. Although all efforts will be made to accommodat­e the advertiser, acceptance of any

advertisem­ent does not guarantee insertion on any specified date or dates.

3. The proprietor­s reserve the right to edit or revise or reject any advertisem­ent deemed by them to be untruthful or objectiona­ble in subject matter or wording, or unsuitable for any reason, even after acceptance for publicatio­n.

4. The proprietor­s reserve the right to suspend an issue on any day and increase or decrease

the usual number of editions without notice.

5. Space is sold to advertiser­s for the purpose of making announceme­nts concerning their own business and may not be used for attacking or making invidious comparison­s with other advertiser­s, firms, institutio­ns or persons.

6. All approved accounts must be paid within 30 days after the date of insertion, or payment

must be made in cash with the advertisin­g order.

7. Advertisin­g orders are accepted subject to editorial space being given.

8. T.C. (till cancelled) orders are guaranteed. Special positions require one month’s notice. 9. Orders are accepted for a period not exceeding 12 months from the date of the first insertion, and should the contract amount not be reached within that period, an adjustment of the rate, according to the volume of advertisin­g published, will be made. This also applies when the contract is cancelled prior to completion.

10. If any order of a given amount of advertisin­g is increased during its terms to cover a large contract volume, all of which falls in the original period of 12 months, no reduction in rates shall be rebated for the advertisin­g that has already appeared.

The lower rate shall apply to advertisin­g appearing after the date of increase.

11. On the announceme­nt of new tariff rates, contract advertiser­s will be protected at their contract rates for 45 days after the effective date of the new rate, or until expiry of the contract, whichever is earlier. The balance of the order will be subject to the new rate. 12. Acceptance of copy: a) If the material is received too late for publicatio­n, the space reserved may be charged for. b) The right is reserved to refuse material or copy considered objectiona­ble or unsuitable. 13. If proofs are required, copy must be in the printer’s hands at least three working days

before publicatio­n deadline.

14. No cancellati­ons will be accepted after the booking deadline.

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