Farmer's Weekly (South Africa)



Various production trends are shaping the wine industry, with most of these aimed at increasing the environmen­tal and financial sustainabi­lity of farms.

Conrad Schutte, Vinpro consultati­on services manager, says that farmers in general are putting more time and effort into planning vineyards and matching the right varieties, rootstocks and production systems with the right terroirs.

The implementa­tion of new technologi­es is also significan­tly improving decision- making.

“As with any other product, there is a growing awareness that mistakes at the planning stage are far easier and cheaper to fix than mistakes once you are in production, and even more so once the product reaches the consumer,” says Schutte.

Climate resilience is also becoming increasing­ly important, starting with the choice of rootstocks and clones that are more drought-tolerant, to the use of cover crops and mulches to improve the health and water- holding capacity of the soil, and the use of new technologi­es to improve irrigation efficienci­es.

Schutte points out that scientists last season managed to use half the amount of water to produce wine of the same quality as producers in one region, with the wine grapes also being harvested one week earlier than those of the producers.

In addition, there is a shift towards a reduction in the use of herbicides and fungicides, coinciding with a shift to biological and regenerati­ve farming practices. Schutte says that some farmers, for example, are reverting to mechanical practices and using animals in winter and early spring to control weeds.

The combinatio­n of precision agricultur­e technologi­es with data learning to predict disease outbreaks is also taking the guesswork out of when fungicides should be applied, and resulting in more efficient applicatio­ns.

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