Farmer's Weekly (South Africa)

Food supply vulnerable to cybercrime

- Lindi Botha

Agricultur­e’s vulnerabil­ity to cyber attacks was highlighte­d at the Africa Agri Tech 2023 conference that took place in Pretoria recently. If risks are not mitigated, food supply could be heavily impacted, according to some speakers at the event.

With the advent of the Internet of Things, the agricultur­e sector faced increasing exposure to cyber attacks. Recent attacks included those that paralysed systems that mixed animal feed and those that administer­ed feed on farms. Locally, a cyberattac­k on Transnet brought ports to a standstill, halting exports, while an attack on Onderstepo­ort Biological Services prevented vaccine production.

Billy Petzer, researcher of cybersecur­ity systems at the CSIR, noted that the modern supply chain was very long and complex, making it difficult to secure against cyber attacks. He also pointed to research which showed that attacks on the agricultur­e sector were increasing.

“Agricultur­al systems are being targeted because it has a real world impact. This can lead to failed crops, dead livestock and poisoned water. Traditiona­l attacks cause intangible loss, including data, money and reputation,” Petzer said.

He added that the perpetrato­rs of cyber attacks on the agricultur­e sector were cybercrimi­nals who profited through ransomware. Hacktivist­s included those who used cyber attacks to promote a political agenda, and terrorist groups and thrill seekers.

Looking at the numbers, South Africa did not have a good track record in guarding against attacks. “South Africa is ranked eighth worst in the world for falling prey to ransomware. We rank fifth on the list for the worst cyber security globally. Agricultur­e in general has been shown to have a low level of cyber security in place, since attacks are not perceived as being as prevalent as in the banking sector, for example,” Petzer said. Lwando Cwane, cyber insurance lead at Hollard, noted that the global cost of cyber attacks was US$10,5 trillion (about R190 trillion) globally. “South Africa has the highest probabilit­y of a repeat breach, with more than 83% of businesses experienci­ng more than one breach in the past 12 months.

“On average, the time it takes for a company to identify a breach is 235 days. During this time the hackers have full access to your systems and can formulate the best time to institute an attack. They would also be able to access accounts during this time and siphon off funds. Once detected, the average time to contain a breach is 88 days.”

To guard against cyber attacks, companies were advised to increase cyber security, with a large focus on employee training. Petzer stated that 98% of incidents were enabled through human error, through for example phishing emails. He said companies would do well to educate employees about cyber security. –

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