Farmer's Weekly (South Africa)

Crossword 548



3. Pearl ______ is a hardy grass grown in India and sub-Saharan Africa for fodder or making flour (6)

8. Lake or arm of the sea (Scot) (4)

9. Unit of land measuring 10 000m2 (7)

10. Water by means of canals, watercours­es or sprinklers (8)

11. Makes an animal fleshy before sale or slaughter (7)

13. Line of trees acting as a windbreak (7,4)

14. Sawn or split timber ready for use (6)

16. Embellish (5)

19. Undressed kidskin (5)

21. Stronger (8)

22. A strong, dark Italian vinegar matured in wooden barrels (8)

24. Vegetable organism (5)

25. Bout of spending (5)

28. Ethnic (6)

30. Variety of cabbage (Brassica

oleracea botrytis) (11)

31. A _______ harvester will gather and thresh grain crops (7)

33. Farming for milk (8)

34. Indian flat cake of unleavened bread (7)

35. Uppermost part of the body (4)

36. Rosa ______ is a hardy shrub with wrinkled leaves, originatin­g in China and Japan (6)


1. Stole or killed animals on another’s land (7)

2. Cold room (7)

3. Public place used for periodical buying and selling of goods (6)

4. Of bread, made with a raising agent (8)

5. Robbery (5)

6. Holiday-makers who visit places carefully managed to preserve the natural environmen­t (3-8)

7. Husks of grain separated from flour (4)

12. One who preserves a body from decay by treatment with chemicals (8)

15. A ______ crop consists of plants sown to preserve moisture or assist the main crop in some way (6)

16. Nearly (6)

17. Vegetable or animal life-form (8)

18. Those who study zoology and botany (11)

19. Animal whose breeds include Damara and Katahdin (5)

20. Precise (5)

23. Adding dung to soil for fertility (8)

26. Instrument­s for turning the soil in ridges and furrows (7)

27. Everlastin­g (7)

29. Continent lying south of Europe (6)

30. Evergreen coniferous tree, genus Cedrus, with durable and fragrant wood (5)

32. Egg-shaped (4)

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