Farmer's Weekly (South Africa)
Abate Fetel promotion kicks off
With Abate Fetel pears now being in season, consumers are invited to experience the variety at special tastings in supermarkets across the country. This April, they also stand to win an iPad, Stanley products or Tru-Cape hampers if they take a photo of their Abate Fetel purchase together with the receipt, post it to Tru-Cape’s social media channels or send it to Tru-Cape via a direct message.
The competition was launched as part of a campaign to promote this pear variety, which was first cultivated by French monks in 1866, making it one of the oldest heirloom pear varieties available. Unlike most other pear varieties, Abate Fetel does not need to be ripened at home, but can be enjoyed while still firm, making it ideal for salads and cheese boards.
For many years, the variety was only available in Europe, but the climatic similarities between Grabouw and the Po Valley in Italy convinced growers to establish orchards in South Africa. Lately, the variety has also been produced in Ceres.
Henk Griessel, Tru-Cape’s quality assurance manager, said that production was challenging at first, because farmers struggled to achieve good fruit sizes. These problems have since been sorted, with the pear variety gaining importance in South Africa.
Roelf Pienaar, managing director of Tru-Cape Fruit Marketing, said the company marketed about 4 400t of Abate Fetel annually, making it the leading supplier of the variety in South Africa.
“We are thrilled by the prospects for Abate Fetel in South Africa. The crop is of high quality this year and we know consumers will be delighted by the eating experience.”
The pear is available in South Africa during March and April, and if volumes allow, also in May.
To enter the competition, share a photo of your Abate Fetel purchase along with the receipt on Facebook at (@TruCape Fruit Marketing), Instagram (@ trucapefruit) or on X (@TruCapeFruit). Use #TruCape and #TCAbateFetel when entering. –