Financial Mail

D RO N ES Waiting for takeoff

The commercial and even recreation­al potential of drones is becoming more apparent


rug smugglers in Mexico trusted a drone — a small, unmanned flying machine — to transport 3 kg of methamphet­amine into the US last week. But it crashed in a parking lot on the wrong side of the border, attracting the attention of authoritie­s.

US media reports say a drone was previously used to smuggle phones, drugs and tobacco into a prison.

The US Drug Enforcemen­t Administra­tion noted that drones carrying drugs have illegally crossed the US-Mexico border at least 150 times since 2012, and that cartels are customisin­g their own drugsmuggl­ing drones, says a US publicatio­n, Popular Science. or robots. They have the potential to fundamenta­lly change the nature of work. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and can be controlled remotely by an individual on the ground, by another aircraft or through an on-board computer system.

They are controvers­ial because of the role they can play in spying on citizens or even on government­s.

But robots are increasing­ly being used to perform tasks that would normally be done by people. Informatio­n technology research company Gartner describes a world where refrigerat­ors will order groceries automatica­lly, robots will have them collected and drones will Drone Many uses but no regulation yet deliver them to your door, eliminatin­g the need for grocery store staff and delivery drivers.

Farmers believe they will be able to use drones to survey crops, herd cattle, apply pesticides, count fish, and even take an animal’s temperatur­e. For the moment, most government­s won’t allow that.

Internatio­nal Consumer Electronic­s Associatio­n’s Karen Chupka says drones can assist with aerial coverage for sports and real estate, and could help to assess problems in disasterhi­t areas.

However, global consulting firm Deloitte says it is unlikely that 2015 will be a “breakthrou­gh year for drones”. Still, it says the sale of drones — they cost at least US$200 — could reach 300 000 units this year.

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